Arthur Aaron Zalk – Captain, United States Army

Thank you for your interest in the history of my brothers activities in the service.

Arthur spent a few years stationed at the Foggie Air Field in Italy, during World War II, flying with the B 24 Bombers groups. Their Mission was to destroy the Poliskie Oil Fields in Central Europe. He completed his 52 Missions and after many “hair raising missions” returned to the States, to continue doing test piloting at the Mojave Desert Fields.

When the War was over he returned to College but was not happy with civilian life and after a year re-enlisted for regular Air Force Duty.

Then he was assigned to the Albuquerque, New Mexico Air Field as Group Leader Flying for the Strategic Bomb Command Units. These were the units that stayed up for days on end with the Atomic Bomb, being refueled in the air around the clock, just in case any one tried to attach us (Russia etc)

However, after many flights, on his last take-off, the hydraulic fuel suddenly leaked-out and the plane nose dived at the end of the field and his plane was demolished with all the crew aboard.

His wife Elsie was also in the service, where they met, and they were married at the end of the War. She was a secretary for the Quartermasters Group.  They had two children and lived in New York until his death.  Then she moved back to her Mother’s house in Houston, Texas.

Well this is a little summery of his Military Services.  If you need more details, I can try to embellish the above, since he had many harrowing experiences in Europe etc.

Thank you again for your interest.
Sol H. Zalk, First Lieutenant, Transportation Corps (ret)

Zalk, Arthur Aaron

  • Born September 28, 1921
  • Died March 26, 1952
  • Captain, United States Army
  • Section 3, Grave 4512-B
  • Buried April 3, 1952
  • Test Pilot – Killed In a Crash

Zalk, Elsie Cretchmer

  • Born November 1, 1925
  • Died July 15, 1999
  • Residence: Houston, Texas
  • Section 3, Grave 4512-C
  • Buried July 27, 1999

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