Albert C. Winters, Jr. – Colonel, United States Air Force

Courtesy of the United States Naval Academy

Colonel Albert C. Winters, Jr., United States Air Force (Ret) died peacefully at his home in Goodlettsville, Tennessee on April 17, 1995, following a third stroke in November 1989, which lead to his hospitalization and, ultimately, to confinement at home to the end. He was buried with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery on April 21, 1995, with many Classmates in attendance. Al was a proud graduate of “Canoe U” and would have been very touched by the rememberance.

Al entered the Naval Academy from Williamsport, Pennsylvania after receiving a degree in Economics from Duke University. Upon graduation he accepted a commission as Second Lieutenant in the Air Force. The day after graduation, he and Mary-Marie were married in the Naval Academy Chapel and began their journey together through 23 years of his military career and 40 years of marriage and companionship.

His military field of expertise was research and development procurement and he served 3 tours of duty at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio with Aeronautical Systems Division. Among the projects he took an active part in, were the research and development of the SR-71 and the F-15. His other tours included: 3 years as Base Procurement fficer at Dreux Air Froce Base and Evreux AFG. France; ROTC Instructor at Virginia Tech; Assistant Chief of Procurement at Tan Son Nhut Aair Force Base,  Saigon, Vietnam; student at The Air University (acquiring a master’s degree in Business Administration); a tour with Headquarters, Systems Command at Andrews AFB, and a third tour at Wright-Patterson as Director of Procurement, F-15 Special Projects
Office. After a second stroke in 1978, Al was medically retired as Colonel with 100% permanent disability.

Upon retirement, Al and Mary-Marie began civilian life in a lakefront home outside Estill Springs, Tennessee with his beloved Brittanies. He became a ham radio operator and an active member of MARS. Following his third stroke and a six month stay in Nashville hospitals, a move closer to proper medical facilities necessitated their move to a new home in Goodlettsville, Tennessee. Although his infirmities required that he remained homebound, he remained an active participant in his therapies and family affairs a much beloved husband, father and grandfather.

He leaves his wife, Mary-Marie; two sons, Albert C., III and Paul Martyn; and two grandsons, Michael and Thomas.

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