Andrew Elliott Creesy – Major General, United States Marine Corps

Courtesy of Michael Stein:

Major General Andrew Elliott Creesy
Born November 7, 1893 in Beverly, Massachusetts
Died December 11, 1974

Cadet, U. S. Naval Academy 1913-17

Second Lieutenant 1917
Advanced through grades to Brigadier General 1944

Served with Marine Barracks, Philadelphia 1917-18
Served with 13th Marine Regiment 1918-19
Served with 2d Marine Brigade 1919-20
Served with Guardia National Dominican 1920-22
Served with Marine Barracks, Boston 1922-23
Student, Infantry School 1923-24
Instructor, USMC Schools, Quantico 1924-26
Aide to High Commissioner of Haiti 1926-28
Served with Gendarmeri d`Haiti 1928-29
Student, Army Command & General Staff School 1929-30
Instructor, USMC Schools, Quantico 1930-33
Commanding Officer, Marine Detachment, USS. Richmond 1933-34
Commanding Officer, Marine Detachment, USS. Trenton 1934-36
Served with Headquarters USMC 1936-37
Officer-in-Charge of Materiel, Operations & Training, San Diego 1937-39
Supply Officer & Quartermaster, Fleet Marine Force 1939-41
Quartermaster, 1st Marine Division 1941-42
Quartermaster, Amphibious Corps, Atlantic 1942
Quartermaster, I Marine Amphibious Corps 1943
Quartermaster, V Marine Amphibious Corps 1943-44
Officer-in-Charge of General Supply Section 1944
Commanding General, Forward Echelon, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific 1944-45
Director of Supply, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific 1945
Quartermaster, San Diego 1945-46
Quartermaster, Depot of Supplies, San Francisco 1946-48
Served with Supply Department, HDQRS. USMC 1948-51
Ret. as Major General July 1951
Legion of Merit – Bronze Star Medal

Andrew Elliott Creesy was born on 7 November 1893 and died on 11 December 1974.  He is buried in Section 30 of Arlington National Cemetery.  Buried with him is his wife, Ruth Laton Creesy who was born on 16 September 1895 and who died on 30 May 1958.

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