Alfred Norman Webb, Jr. – Captain, United States Army


Alfred Norman Webb, Jr. United States Military Academy Class of 1964.  Born on 9 May 1942.  Died on 20 August 2004.  Served in the Vietnam War, First Battalion, 20th Infantry, Charlie Company 1968, Headquarters Company 1969, and was awarded the Silver Star Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Bronze Star Medal (with Valor Device) and three Oak Leaf Clusters, the Purple Heart Medal and the Air Medal with six Oak Leaf Clusters.


Decades before we mourned his passing the summer of 2004, the name Norm Webb had become synonymous with lacrosse. Webb began his lacrosse career at Gilman School playing varsity lacrosse from 1957-1960. A goalie at the United States Military Academy, he earned First-Team All-American Honors in 1963 and 1964. He also received the Sydney M. Cone Trophy for the outstanding goalie in the nation in 1963 and 1964 and was the only player to ever receive this award twice. The “Godfather” of San Diego Lacrosse, Norm was also instrumental in developing, coaching and expanding lacrosse on the West Coast. The A. Norman Webb Jr. Trophy was named to recognize his contributions and is awarded each year to the winner of the Western States Lacrosse Tournament. As one of the dominate players of his era, Norm was inducted in to the National Lacrosse Hall of Fame in 1983.

Webb was also one of the most decorated combat officers in his class and was awarded two Silver Stars, four Bronze Star Medals – one with “V” device, one Purple Heart, The Combat Infantryman Badge, Air Medal with numeral 6, Vietnamese Gallantry Cross with Silver Star, the Army Commendation Medal and other decorations.

Those fortunate enough to know Norm understood how deeply he valued lacrosse, as well as the friendships and experiences the sport fostered. When he drew up his will, true to these beliefs, Webb gave nearly his entire estate to US Lacrosse to fortify the sport he had supported with such a passion throughout his life. He envisioned the sport’s potential and understood the resources necessary to achieve that potential.

Accordingly, the A. Norman Webb Jr. Legacy Society has been established to honor Norm’s historic bequest and recognize those who follow in his example of leadership by making a planned gift to US Lacrosse or the US Lacrosse Foundation.


  • DATE OF BIRTH: 05/09/1942
  • DATE OF DEATH: 08/20/2004

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