Anderson Parker Lacey – Captain, United States Army

Anderson Parker Lacey

Captain, United States Army, Company F, 99th DVI. Born at Cadiz, Ohio, December 11, 1835. Died at Washington, D.C., January 21, 1895.

“At Chicakamuga he commanded his regiment, then in Stedman’s Division, Thomas’ Corps, his ranking officers having been disabled early in the battle.
“Jesus, thou prince of life, thy chosen cannot die! Like thee they conquer in the
strife to reign with thee on high. Where the anthems of rapture unceasingly roll, and the smile of the Lord is the feast of the soul.”

Margaret Moore Lacey, wife of Anderson Parker Lacey, married 7 June 1860 at
Coshocton, Ohio.  Died at Washington, D.C., February 8, 1902.

Robert S. Lacey

Captain, United States Army, Assistant Quartermaster of Volunteers.
Footnote of Anderson Parker Lacey gravesite.

A mix of old and new families helped rebuild the area after the war. North of today’s 11th Street (Bluemont section of Arlington, Virginia), a Union Army officer from Ohio named Robert S. Lacey stayed to settle.

Captain Robert S. Lacey (Civil War):

Full name: Robert Stinson Lacey
Born: Unknown
Died: Unknown
He seems to have originated from Ohio
Only information is this:
Assistant Quartermaster (USV) 1864
Mustered out July 1st, 1866

Lacey, Robert Stinson Lacey of Ohio
Appointed From Ohio Captain, Assistant Quartermaster, United States Volunteers,  30 June 1864
Honorably mustered out 1 July 1866


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