United States Army Regulations (AR-290-5) – Arlington National Cemetery

6.1 General.
All personnel of the national cemeteries under Army jurisdiction will be employed and administered in accordance with applicable laws. Civil Service and Department of the Army regulations, and policies of the Personal Affairs Directorate. The selection of the Superintendent, Arlington National Cemetery, will be made by the Director, Personal Affairs.

6.2 Evaluation of cemetery superintendent’s performance.
The deputy Commanding General, US army Military District of Washington, will prepare the annual performance appraisal for the Superintendent, Arlington National Cemetery after consultation with the Director, Personal Affairs, TAGCEN. The appraisal will be made in accordance with position-classification standards for the Cemetery Administration Series, GS-1630.

6.3 Requirements for appointment to superintendent positions.
Persons selected to fill the position of superintendent or assistant superintendent must meet United States Civil Service Commission qualification standards for these positions. Also, they will be selected from among meritorious and trustworthy persons who served in the Armed Forces of the United States and who either were retired for physical disability or were released from the military service under honorable conditions and are entitled to receive compensation for disability under the laws administered by the Veterans Administration (24 USC 275).

6.4 Quarters and utilities.
a. Superintendents are required by law, as implemented by the Department of the Army policy, to reside in the lodges provided in the national cemeteries in order to protect Government property and to furnish information to the public. Superintendents, therefore, will be furnished quarters, including fuel for heating the quarters, heating water, and cooking (24 USC 274 and 276). Charges for quarters and utilities furnished to cemetery personnel will be fixed and administered in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.
b. Superintendents or other persons to whom housing facilities are assigned will exercise due care to protect the facilities from damage other than reasonable wear and tear. These individuals will be held responsible for the conduct of persons occupying the facilities as guests or bonafide members of their households. They also may be held financially responsible for abnormal damage to the facilities caused by the members of their household or guests.

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