Bernard Francis Lukasik – Captain, United States Air Force


Bernard Francis Lukasik was born on August 20, 1934 and joined the Armed Forces while in Dickson City, Pennsylvania.

He served in the United States Air Force. In eight years of service, he attained the rank of Captain.

On February 19, 1964, at the age of 29, Bernard Francis Lukasik perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Phong Dinh.

Captain Lukasik was posthumously awarded the Air Force Cross and the Purple Heart Medal, and he was laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery.

Lukasik Avenue at Hurlburt Air Force Base, Florida, is named for Captain Bernard F. Lukasik.

NOTE: The Capain’s brother, Joseph L. Lukasik, Lieutenant Colonel, United States Air Force, is also buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

Captain Bernard F. Lukasik
U.S. Air Force
Date Of Action: February 18, 1964


The President of the United States of America, authorized by Title 10, Section 8742, United States Code, awards the Air Force Cross to Captain Bernard F. Lukasik for extraordinary heroism in military operations against an opposing armed force as an Advisor-Pilot of a T-28 aircraft on 18 February 1964.

On that date, Captain Lukasik provided airpower against advancing Viet Cong guerrillas who were intent on capturing a Vietnamese airman who had bailed out of his burning aircraft. Despite the danger of hostile gun fire, Captain Lukasik continuously flew his aircraft at extremely low level and remained in the area until he was satisfied that the safety of the downed airman was assured.

Through his extraordinary heroism, superb airmanship, and aggressiveness in the face of hostile forces, Captain Lukasik reflected the highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

May 2003: On behalf of my Aunt, who found your site, please reflect the name of my father, Bernard F. Lukasik, Captain, United States Air Force, KIA Vietnam, 19 February 1964, Air Force Cross.

Thanks, Mark Lukasik

Thank you for the posting.  What a great service you have done.  My husband spent 35 years in the AF, 10 as an enlisted man and retired as a full Colonel 10 years ago.  We frequently visit Arlington, because my Mother and Dad are there and my late brother-in-law, Bernard Lukasik and his wife, who is my twin sister, is buried with him.
Again – Thanks!
Lynn McDonald

U.S. Air Force Academy Cadet Christine Lukasik, daughter of Captain Bernard Francis Lukasik  who was KIA in Phuong Dinh Province, (inland from the Mekong Delta) Vietnam on 19 February 1964 in a T-28D 53-8855 (the 10th so far) when supporting ARVN ground troops in the Province.

She is in 4th year at the Academy and will be commissioned in June 2005. The man who her father saved from being captured, Lieutenant Colonel Ken Lengfield, the day before on 18 February 1964, by hacked off VCs he attacked that day, who was flying T-28 53-8369 which got shot down, was introduced. He told the story how Captain Lukasik saved him from capture by the VC which he was attacking with his T-28 before being shot down. Captain Lukasik attacked the VC with his guns and after he ran out of ammunition he then took his T-28 down on the deck using his propellers to drive off the VC. A helicopter finally arrives and picked him and his Vietnamese AF back seater for another day of fighting. The next day, 19 February 1964, Captain Bernard Francis Lukasik was shot down and killed.

Cadet Catherine Lukasik was given a life long membership in the ACA. Heinie Aderholt arranged for all this to happen including getting Cadet Lukasik out of class at the Academy to attend our reunion.


  • DATE OF BIRTH: 08/28/1935
  • DATE OF DEATH: 02/19/1964

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