Bromley Howard German – First Lieutenant, United States Army


Bromley Howard Geman was born on July 31, 1944 and joined the Armed Forces while in Waterbury, Connecticut.

He served in the United States Army.  In two years of service, he attained the rank of First Lieutenant.

On January 6, 1968, at the age of 23, Bromley Howard German perished in the
service of our country in South Vietnam, Quang Tin.

Lieutenant German was laid to rest with full military honors in Arlington National Cemetery, Section 31, Grave 6629.

First Lieutenant (Artillery), U.S. Army
Battery A, 3d Battalion, 82d Artillery, 196th Infantry Brigade (Light) (Separate)), Americal Division
Date of Action: January 5 & 6, 1968
HQ US Army, Vietnam, General Orders No. 1249 (March 22, 1968)


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Bromley Howard German, First Lieutenant (Artillery), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations involving conflict with an armed hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam, while serving with Battery A, 3d Battalion, 82d Artillery, 196th Infantry Brigade (Light) (Separate), Americal Division.

First Lieutenant German distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous actions on 5 and 6 January 1968 as artillery forward observer with an infantry company on combat operations in Quang Tin Province.

The company was savagely attacked in the early evening of 5 January by a North Vietnamese Army force and suffered numerous casualties. Lieutenant German quickly took command of a platoon that had become separated from the main body and had lost its leader, organized a tight defensive perimeter, and directed ravaging artillery strikes on the attackers.

Despite a wound received in the initial attack, he continually exposed himself to enemy weapons and coordinated defensive fires which repelled repeated assaults by the determined North Vietnamese. He realized the necessity of rejoining the company’s main body and he brought savage artillery fire to within thirty meters of his platoon’s position to cover its movement to the company perimeter.

The company commander had been seriously wounded and evacuated, so Lieutenant German assumed command. Shortly before midnight, he moved the unit to a more tenable position in a nearby trenchline and established a defensive perimeter. Despite bullets striking all around him, he moved among his troops to encourage them and direct their fire.

He fearlessly exposed himself to the withering enemy fusillade time after time throughout the morning hours and continued to repulse the insurgents’ wave assault with skillfully directed artillery strikes. He was mortally wounded while gallantly leading his men in the face of numerically superior enemy force.

His courageous leadership prevented the attackers from overrunning the company and inspired his men to fight on until reinforcements arrived. First Lieutenant German’s extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty, at the cost of his life, were in keeping with the highest tradition of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.


  • VETERAN SERVICE DATES: 07/31/1964 – 01/06/1968
  • DATE OF BIRTH: 07/31/1944
  • DATE OF DEATH: 01/06/1968
  • DATE OF INTERMENT: 01/19/1968


I came upon this site by accident, or maybe by luck.

I had a friend, First Lieutenant Bromley H. German, who was killed-in-action on 6 January 1968 while serving in Vietnam.

While visiting his grave on Memorial Day, I found that he has been intered at Arlington National Cemetery with his branch of service incorrectly listed as United States Marine Corps.  He served in the United States Army.  I contacted Arlington officials and was able to have the branch of service corrected (I hope).

However, when I searched under both the Army and Marine Corps listings I did not find his name on this website.  He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his service and I would appreciate it if he would be added.

Thank you, Peggy Reider

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