Blackjack – United States Army Horse

Blackjack, the last of the United States Army Quartermaster issued horses, was born on 19 January 1947.  He entered the Third United States Infantry Stables at Fort Myer on 22 November 1953.

During his service as a caparisoned (riderless horse), Blackjack took part in the funerals of Presidents Herbert Hoover, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson and that of the General of the Army Douglas MacArthur.  Of course, his service also included literally hundreds of other funeral processions in Arlington National Cemetery.

Blackjack was retired to the Third United States Infantry Stables on 1 June 1973.  When he died on 6 February 1976, Blackjack was laid to rest on the parade ground at Fort Myer, Virginia.





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