Charles Bernard Austin – First Lieutenant, United States Army Air Corps

Charles Bernard Austin was born in 1891.  He served as a First Lieutenant in the United States Army Air Corps and, as such, was an early military aviator.Lieutenant Austin died in 1928 and was buried with full military honors in Arlington National Cemetery.

We are actively seeking information regarding the Lieutenant.

BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES: via E-mail from Elizabeth Leonard, 6-6-04:


Charles Bernard Austin was my uncle. His son C. B. Austin, Jr is still living in Southern California in the San Diego area. He is married and has a couple of kids, who have probably had kids of their own, etc. I have had no contact with him for about 10 years, but wrote and asked my brother if he had his address.

Since I was born in 1924 and my Uncle Charles died in 1928, I don’t remember him, but have heard that he was the first to fly from Panama to the U.S. I do know there is a building named for him at Maxwell AFB, AL. I will write my cousin and ask him to write you if I get his address.

My father (Rowland C. W. Blessley), who was also an early Air Corps pilot, was stationed with Lieutenant Austin in Panama when my mother went down there to visit her sister, Lieutenant Austin’s wife (Laura Jackson Austin). My father and mother met there and later married.


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