Carlos Bruo’er Brewer – Major Genral, United States Army

Major General Carlos Bruo´er Brewer

Born in Mayfield, Kentucky December 5, 1890
Died September 29, 1976

Cadet, US. Military Academy 1909-13
Graduated as No. 5127, Class of 1913

Second Lieutenant 1913
Major 1920
Lieutenant Colonel 1935
Colonel (AUS) 1941
Brigadier General (AUS) 1942
Colonel 1942
Major General (AUS) 1942 – Terminated September 9, 1944
Colonel (reverted) 1944

Instructor, US. Military Academy 1916-21
Student, Command & General Staff School 1927-28
Instructor, Field Artillery School 1928-29
Director, Departement of Gunnery, Field Artillery School 1929-32
Student, Army War College 1932-33
Professor of Military Science & Tactics, Purdue University 1933-37
Executive Officer & Commanding Officer, 2d Battalion, 25th Field Artillery 1937-39
Commanding Oficer, 7th Field Artillery 1939-40
Student, National War College 1940
Assistant Chief of Staff G-3 (Operations & Training), 9th Infantry Division 1940-41
Chief of Staff, 9th Infantry Division 1941-42
Combat Commander, 6th Armored Division 1942
Commanding General, 12th Armored Division 1942-44
Commander, Camp Wheeler 1944-45
Commanding Officer, 46th Field Artillery Group 1945
Commanding Officer, 258th Artillery Group 1945
Artillery Officer, 7th US.Army 1945-46
Headquarters Commandant & Commander, Heidelberg Area Command, Germany 1946-47
Professor of Military Science & Tactics, Ohio State University 1947-50
Retired 1950
Legion of Merit – Bronze Star Medal

General Brewer’s Services by Joe Stankunas A/494th, 11 October 1976:

(Editor’s Note: This was published in the Hellcat News, page 11–Oct 1976

Joe Stankunas A/494th represented the 12th Armored Division Assoc. at the Burial and Chapel Services for Major General Carlos Brewer, (Retired) at Arlington Cemetery, Fort Myer, Virginia. Joe was placed behind the widow in the Chapel, and to the grave site, and after the presentation and taps were played presented to Mrs.. Brewer, a 12th Armored Division Association Symbol, along with a spiritual bouquet in memory of the deceased.

Major General Brewer will share the Spiritual benefits of Twelve Requiem Masses celebrated at the Franciscan Basilica of Saints Cosmas and Damian in the Holy City of Rome. This offering was made in behalf of all the members of the 12th Armored Division Association.

Stankunas was in attendance with a 12th AD symbol placed on his lapel which was very prominent, and those in attendance as well as the family were pleased with his presence and was congratulated by this wonderful gesture on the part of the 12th Armored Division Association. Many people came over and offered personal handshakes, to your representative.

Chapel Services were held at the New Chapel, a military Honor Guard was present, Gun Salute, Caprioned Horse — which is a  riderless horse, with boots turned backwards–Caisson Band, Escort Body Bearers, Firing Party, and Bugler.

All those who wish to express their sympathy may do so by writing to Mrs. Carlos Brewer, 2671 Charing Road, Columbus, Ohio 43221.

A Tribute to Major General Carlos Brewer From The 12th Armored Division Association, Inc.
Major General Carlos Brewer assumed command of the 12th Armored Division on August 19, 1942, which was activated at Camp Campbell, Kentucky, on September 2, 1942.

At Camp Campbell, the men of the 12th Armored Division, under his direction, took their basic training, and exercise problems, to prepare them for whatever would come their way.

Under his command, we became a more compact, and better disciplined fighting unit, while he commanded us through the Tennessee Maneuvers, from September into November of 1943.

Arriving at Camp Barkeley, Texas, in November, 1943, he further supervised our combat training, till August, 1944.

In all above exercises, and problems, he was always present to see that our training was carried out, and performed, to the last detail, so that we be better qualified for what lay ahead of us in combat.

Attending many of our Association Reunions, his presence has always added more dignity to our festivities. his wife, and he, honored us with their presence, last, in July, 1972, at the Dayton, Ohio, Association Reunion.

We of the 12th Armored Division Association, owe Major General Brewer, a great “Thanks,” for our excellent combat training.

It was from this training, that we carried further into civilian life, which enabled us to face, and overcome, the obstacles in our daily life.

Warren E. Maue, A-17th, President

Eulogy for Major General Carlos Brewer

Remarks by Ted Brewer at Memorial Service for Major General Carlos Brewer on October, 1976 at Upper Arlington Church of Christ

Friends and family, we are here, even in the midst of our strong grief and sadness, to celebrate a beautiful life, a strong life which has left gorgeous and irrevocable traces on our hearts.

I would like to say a few words about my Dad.

He was born in 1890 in Kentucky in a town called Golo. The story was that the name of the town came from someone who said you couldn’t go any lower than Golo. It was a very humble beginning, but Dad’s father was a very hard working man, and some of his industry and ability were passed on to my father, and his five sisters and brothers.

So when he became of appropriate age, he wanted to go to West Point, which he did. He did very well at West Point, where he was in the Class of 1913. When he got out of West Point, they wanted him to come back as a mathematics instructor. He like that, because he liked to teach other people–he like to help other people, and he had an ability in mathematics and all creative things. He taught math at West Point for five years. (During that time some of us were born.)

His interest in mathematics, and his creative spirit led him later on, when he was at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, to develop new techniques of artillery fire control which were used to defend the United States in World War II.

In fact, during that War, he trained and commanded the 12th Armored Division. He served overseas as an artillery commander using some of the techniques which he had developed.

I can remember well in Pisa, Italy, where the war had ended in Europe and he came down and we had a very happy reunion. This was followed by a reunion in Heidelberg of my older brother and me and Dad.

Dad’s active military career ended, by his choice, in four years serving with the ROTC at Ohio State University. He liked that service. He like the people he met here. He like Columbus.

So he decided, quite logically, to retire here. It was also very central to the family, and he loved his family–loved to get together often.

But he was not the kind of man to retire immediately, so he worked ten years more with the Ohio State Research Foundation. Then, at last, he nominally retired, but he still found time to help the less fortunate. He was always thinking outside of himself. “Who is in greater need than I am? Whom can I help?”

He was young physically and mentally throughout his life–it was incredible. I admired him. He regarded the body as the temple of the mind and spirit. Mind and spirit meant alot to him, in a strong, healthy temple.

He played polo in his youth. He played an excellent game of tennis. He could always beat me at chess. Even up to his last months, he would win three out of four games, only losing if he became bored. Whatever I know about chess, I owe to him.

Just a week ago Tuesday, the day before he died, I visited him in the hospital and I told him that his granddaughter, Carolyn, had taken up chess. He said, “Thant’s wonderful. When I come home, I must send her a chess book which she’ll enjoy and learn alot from.”

If there was one word that I had to choose to describe Dad or distill his essence, it would be fidelity–fidelity springing from a deep and abiding love. Fidelity to his country, fidelity to his church, to his family, to his friends. I don’t think this fidelity ever wandered or deviated. It was incredible to me.

Now, I’d like to close by reading several things which I think you can almost feel coming from his spirit. One of them deals with young and old, which my wife, Gretchen, selected:

Young Enough and Old Enough

I am young enough to dread sorrow
I am young enough to have joys and sorrows
–deep longings, high dreams, and many, many problems
–And old enough to know there is a cause
for every joy, and a cure for every sorrow,
a solution for every problem, a fulfillment of every aspiration.

I am young enough to love to play
And old enough to have learned that
most fun is having a hard task and seeing it through.

I am yong enough to want to be good to look upon,
and old enough to know that true
beauty is from within.

I’m young enough to seek far and wide for truths,
and old enough to know that I most
often find them in being faithful to the
task at hand.

I’m young enough to learn the lesson,
forget the experience, and pass on to
better things.

I’m young enough to dread sorrow, pain
and misfortune
and old enough to be grateful for their
chastening and mellowing influence.


I am heir to countless hosts before me,
and give my world to those to come
Reasons enough to be both proud and humble
to glory in all whose lives touch mine
with immortal fire
and to feed the flame reverently
to pass it on, brighter yet, to future generations.

–Ted Brewer


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