Clint Calvin Hearn – Colonel, United States Army

Clint Calvin Hearn of Texas

Appointed from Texas, Cadet, United States Military Academy, 1 July 1886 (14)
Additional Second Lieuetnant, 4th U. S. Artillery, 12 July 1890
Second Lieuetnant, 2nd U. S. Artillery, 24 April 1891
Transferred to the 4th U. S. Artillery, 23 August 1894
First Lieutenant, 7th U. S. Artillery, 8 March 1898
Artillery Corps, 2 February 1901
Captain, 28 February 1901

NOTE: His brother, Roscoe Hugh Hearn, Colonel, United States Army, was killed in an auto accident in Washington, D.C. in 1926 and is also buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

Retired U. S. Army Officer Reached Rank of Brigadier General During World War

ATLANTA, February 12, 1928 – Colonel Clint Calvin Hearn, retired Army Officer and resident of Atlanta for 18 months, died Saturday night at his home, 1192 Piedmont Avenue, following an illness of several weeks.  Colonel Hearn had been in failing health for 11 months, but his condition was not considered serious until a few days ago.  His body will betake to Washington, D.C. for funeral services and interment. The time will be announced later.

Colonel Hearn was born in Weston, Texas, March 29, 1866, and after completing his early education in Texas, he entered the West Point Military Academy and was graduated from that institution in the class of 1890. He then attended a government artillery school for four years and later was a student at the school of submarine defense and the Army War College.

He served as Second Lieutenantofthe4th Artillery, a Second Lieutenant of the 2nd Artillery, a First Lieutenant of the 7th Artillery and was made Captain in 1901.  In May1908, he was promoted to the rank of Major in the Coast Artillery and in 1914 was made a Lieutenant Colonel in the same service.

In May 1917, during the World War, he was made a Colonel. In August 1917, he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General and after serving throughout the war he was retired as a Brigadier General in June 1919.

He reentered the service in August 1919, as commander of the coast defenses of Portland, Maine, and in May 1926 he was retired from active service.

During the World War in 1917, Colonel Hearn was placed in command of the 153rd Field Artillery of the American Expeditionary Forces supporting the 90th Division in St. Mihiel Offensive in August 1918.

Colonel Hearn was actively engaged in several of the major battles and was decorated several times for bravery.

When the armistice was signed he was en route to join the 35th Division, after having seen service with the 78th, 42nd and 6th Divisions during the Argonne Forest battles.

Among the prominent clubs of which he was a member were the Army and Navy Clubs of New York, Washington and Manila, and the Chevy Chase of Maryland and Cumberland, Portland County and Kiwanis Clubs of Portland, Maine.

Colonel Hearn is survived by his widow, three daughters, Mrs. Randolph Bynum and Misses Elizabeth and Margaret Hearn, and a son, Douglas Hearn.  H. M. Patterson & Son will be in charge of arrangements.


  • DATE OF DEATH: 02/11/1928

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