David Butts Harmony Rear Admiral, United States Navy


Born at Easton, Pennsylvania, September 3, 1832, he was appointed from Pennsylvania an Acting Midshipman in 1847. He was promoted to Passed Midshipman, June 10, 1852, and thereafter was promoted through the grades to Rear Admiral, March 26, 1889. He successively served on USS Brandywine, USS Ohio, USS Fairmouth at the Naval Academy, the USS Baltimore, USS Decatur. During the Civil War, he was Executive Officer of the USS Iroquoisat.

He participated in the bombardment and passae of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, Chalmette batteries and the capture of New Orleans, the engagements of Vicksburg, with the Confederate Ram Arkansas, 1861-62. On the USS Nahant at the engagements at Charleston in 1863.

He was commander of USS Tahoma and USS Sebago, West Gulf Blockading Squadron, 1864-65. He was at the capture of Mobile in 1865, and served at the Navy Yard, New York, 1865-67.

He commanded the USS Frolic, European Station, 1867-69, the New York Naval Yard, 1869-72, the USS Portsmouth and USS Kearsarge, USS Plymouth, USS Powhatan, USS Tennessee, USS Colorado, 1878-1883. He was on special duty at the Navy Department, 1883-84 and was Chief, Bureau of Yards and Docks, 1885-89 and, finally, Chairman, Lighthouse Board, 1889-91. He retired on June 26, 1893.

He died on November 2, 1917 and was buried in Section 2 of Arlington National Cemetery.

David B. Harmony, Naval Officer, born in Easton, Pennsylvania, 3 September, 1832. He entered the navy as Midshipman on 7 April, 1847, passed that grade in 1853, became Lieutenant in 1855, Lieutenant Commander in 1862, Commander in 1866, Captain in 1875, and Commodore in 1885. He served on the “Iroquois” at the passage of Fort Jackson and Fort St. Philip, and at the capture of New Orleans, and took part in many severe engagements with the batteries at Vicksburg and Grand Gulf. He was executive officer of the iron-clad ” Nahant” in the first attack on Fort Sumter, 7 April, 1863, and in the engagement with the ram “Atlanta” on 17 June, and in all the attacks on defences at Charleston, from 4 July till 7 September. He held a command in the Eastern gulf squadron in 1863, and commanded the “Saratoga” in the Western gulf squadron in 1864-‘5, taking part in the capture of Mobile and its defences. He commanded a division of eight vessels in an expedition to Montgomery, Alabama, in April, 1865, and in 1867 commanded the “Frolic” in Europe, one of the vessels of Admiral Farragut’s squadron. He was honorably mentioned in the reports of Commander De Camp, Commander Palmer, and Commander Downes.

He made his last cruise in 1881, was a member of the examining and retiring boards in 1883-‘5, and is now (1887) serving as chief of the bureau of yards and docks, having held this office since 1885.



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