David John Decker – Captain, United States Army


David John Decker was born on August 30, 1937.  He became a member of the Army while in Yardley, Pennsylvania and attained the rank of Captain (O3). On November 19, 1967, after having served for eight years in the United States Army and at the age of 30, DAVID JOHN DECKER gave his life in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Kontum Province, as a result of hostile small arms fire.

His body was recovered and was subsequently buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Section 30 Lot 8952.

You can find DAVID DECKER honored on the Vietnam Memorial Wall on Panel 30E, Row 24.

Received From Captain Decker’s son, Chris Decker, March 2000

My father was Captain David John Decker. He commanded Company B of the 2nd of the Eighth Air Cavalry. He was killed on my brother’s birthday in the battle of Dak To while trying to retrieve the body of one of his men who was shot and pulled into a trench held by the North Vietnamese. Ironically, the next day his men went the trench and dug up his body which had been buried by the NVA troops, it was located right next to a dead north Vietnamese soldier.

I learned of the details of his death by one of his men who recently died of agent orange-related lung problems. I have also been in touch with other troops of my Dad’s and they all had good things to say about him, which was kind of cool to hear since he died when I was 4.

NOTE:  “Chris Decker, Capt. Decker’s son, would love to hear from any of his father’s friends.”


E-Mail of 27 March 2012:
Mr. Patterson: A couple of years ago a lot of folks went to great trouble to get the sons of Captain David Decker his awards from Vietnam and to get his Grave Marker replaced to reflect his awards. Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Lisiane Valentine did the wonderful job of getting the grave marker changed.

The members of his old company from ‘NAM which he was commanding at Dak To when he was killed trying to save some of his troops, have waited to see  the picture of his grave marker changed on your website, also his sons! They plan a reunion in D.C. soon and I request that if you could change the picture soon it would eliminate a huge distraction for them. Lieutenant Colonel Valentine said she would be happy to get a new picture of the marker if needed.

I was a personal friend of Captain Decker and had a company near his at Dak To. It would mean a lot to all of us and his sons if it can be done soon! Thank you.

Major General Ed Scholes


  • DATE OF BIRTH: 08/30/1937
  • DATE OF DEATH: 11/19/1967

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