Carl Louis Doughtie – Lieutenant (jg), United States Navy


From a contemporary press report

On Lieutenant Carl Doughtie’s 10th mission as a Navy carrier pilot flying missions over North Vietnam in June 1965, his jet was hit by a surface-to-air missile and plunged into a mountainside.

For more than 32 years, Doughtie was officially an MIA. Then in late 1997, the crash site was found. DNA testing was done on the remains.

Then, November 10, 1998 Doughtie’s parents, Marjorie and Carl Doughtie formally were notified the remains were their son’s.

Lieutenant Doughtie was buried February 26, 1999 with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.

Doughtie, 24, graduated from the Naval Academy in 1963 and got his Navy wings in December 1964. He was shot down just two weeks after reporting to the carrier Midway.

He was posthumously awarded the Air Medal and Distinguished Flying Cross.

CARL DOUGHTIE was born on November 18, 1940.  He became a member of the Navy while in Tarboro,  North Carolina and attained the rank of LTJG (O2).

From a contemporary press report:


Today I buried a good friend, a classmate and a patriot in Arlington National Cemetery. The band played, the horse-drawn caisson carried his remains to the graveside, the rifles fired and all flights at National Airport were suspended as fourF-14 Tomcat fighter jets passed overhead in a final salute to a fallen comrade. Yes, he was finally home.

Lieutenant Carl L. Doughtie, United States Navy, Annapolis class of 1963, was shot down in his A-1 Skyraider in 1965 in Vietnam. He was the first of too many Naval Academy graduates to be killed in that war. He laid in his shallow secret jungle grave until being found in November 1998. For 33 years, his parents and family mourned, his saddened classmates remembered him and everyone pondered his fate.

Now, through misty eyes on this brilliant sunny afternoon, I watched as the folded flag was presented to Carl’s mom. Her shoulders were shaking as Carl’s dad drew her close to him.

My classmates, aging warrior veterans of Vietnam, the Cold War and Desert Storm, stood at rigid attention; most doing their best to cover my tears with their own.

From the east they came, roaring in at 400 knots. Dots on the horizon at first; then bigger, bigger. When they were overhead, one sleek F-14 broke from the other three and roared heavenward, rolling 360 degrees in a sign of victory.

Duty, honor, country. A forever-young 24-year-old fighter pilot spent the final moments of his life providing close air support to protect his fellow Americans. He didn’t have to go. But from his family and others, Carl learned and embraced values of commitment, hard work and follow-through that are the foundation of duty, honor, country.

In spite of his youth, Carl Doughtie made a difference. He gave his life to protect other young Americans who were in great danger. These are the values that I want to pass on to my children. These are the values that I want America’s leaders to have. Today, and for the past 33 years, Carl has reminded us — duty, honor, country.



  • DATE OF BIRTH: 11/18/1940
  • DATE OF DEATH: 06/10/1965

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