D. Roemer Stead – Private, United States Army


If possible I would like my father’s heroism to be recognized and have him listed as a bronze medal recipient on the Arlington National Cemetery website.  I have found a hometown newspaper article as well as the official citation stamped, Official, Headquarters 100th Infantry Division.

The newspaper article reads:

Private D. Roemer Stead, 7006 Eberhart Avenue, formerly of 7056 Eggleston Avenue, has received the Bronze Star Medal for heroic action in the vicinity of Heilbronne, Germany. April 9, 1945. In the citation accompanying the award, Private Stead was commended for exposing himself to sniper fire, attack by infiltrating hostile infantry and artillery shelling “in order to splice communications lines severed by intense enemy fire” during the bitter house-to-house fighting.

Private Stead is with the 397th infantry regiment. Before enlisting in October 1943, he graduated at Parker high school.  The 20-year-old soldier went overseas in October. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Domler of the Eberhart Avenue address.

The actual and official citation reads:

D. Roemer Stead, 16175328, Private First Class, 397th Infantry Regiment, for heroic achievement in action on 9 April 1945, in the vicinity of Heilbronn, Germany. During bitter house-to-house fighting for the German city of Heilbronn, intense enemy artillery fire repeatedly severed wire communications lines. Time and again Private Stead exposed himself to enemy sniper fire and attack by infiltrating groups of hostile infantry as well as continuing artillery shelling in order to splice severed lines, and by his courageous application to duty contributed to the success of his company’s operations. Entered military service from Chicago, Illinois.

He was born October 18, 1926 and died May 4, 1994. At my grandmothers (since deceased) insistence I had his CIB added to his stone/plate maybe a year later.

DATE OF BIRTH: 10/18/1926
DATE OF DEATH: 05/04/1994
BURIED AT: Court 3, Section LL, Stack 23, Niche 1

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