The Taps Project Arlington National Cemetery Visitor Center


“Taps” being sounded at the opening ceremonies of the exhibit, May 28, 1999.
The bugler is Sergeant First Class Allyn Van Patten, United States Army Band.


Various bugles and tabards onb display at the Arlington National Cemetery Visitor Center.


Major General Daniel Butterfield, credited with creating “Taps,” wore this sword throughout the Civil War.  The brass spurs are engraved:  “To Genral Daniel Butterfield.  Presented by Field
Officers of the 3rd Light Brigade, Porter’s Division, Army of the Potomac.  For our admiration of your brilliant generalship on the field at Hanover Court House, May 27, 1862.”
Courtesy of, and on loan from, the Oneida County Historical Society, Utica, New York.


This seven key Royal Kent Bugle was manufacturer by Joseph Greenhill of London.  Keyed bugles were an attempt
to make these instruments chromatic in the time before valves.
On loan from  Dr. Albert Rice, Fiske Museum, California.


World War I Musician’s Uniform
This uniform was worn by Musician E. W. Robinson of the 60th Pioneer Band of the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment, National Guard.  The Corporal rank indicates a musician, and the buttons on the tunic depict the seal of the State of Pennsylvania.  National Guard units were called into Federal service during World War I.  The small triple-twist B flat bugle was one of thousands made for the United States Army Quartermaster Corps in 1894.  The specifications authorized by the Quartermaster General in 1894.  The specification number was 1152 and can be found on all of the bells of these bugles, along with the manufacturer and depots (Chicago or Philadelphia) where the bugles were distributed.  These bugles were standard issue for the United States Army Infantry during World War I.

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