Formal Plans To Expand Arlington National Cemetery

National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (Reported in the House)


(1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary of Defense shall provide for the transfer to the Secretary of the Army of administrative jurisdiction over the following parcels of land situated in Arlington, Virginia:

(A) Certain lands which comprise approximately 26 acres bounded by Columbia Pike to the south and east, Oak Street to the west, and the boundary wall of Arlington National Cemetery to the north including Southgate Road.

(B) Certain lands which comprise approximately 8 acres bounded by Shirley Memorial Boulevard (Interstate 395) to the south, property of the Virginia Department of Transportation to the west, Columbia Pike to the north, and Joyce Street to the east.

(C) Certain lands which comprise approximately 2.5 acres bounded by Shirley Memorial Boulevard (Interstate 395) to the south, Joyce Street to the west, Columbia Pike to the north, and the cloverleaf interchange of Route100 and Columbia Pike to the east.

(2) USE OF LAND- The Secretary of the Army shall incorporate the parcels of land transferred under paragraph (1) into Arlington National Cemetery .

(3) REMEDIATION OF LAND FOR CEMETERY USE- Before the transfer of administrative jurisdiction over the parcels of land under paragraph (1), the Secretary of Defense shall provide for the removal of any improvements on the parcels of land and, in consultation with the Superintendent of Arlington National Cemetery , the preparation of the land for use for interment of remains of individuals in Arlington National Cemetery .

(4) NEGOTIATION WITH LOCAL OFFICIALS- Before the transfer of administrative jurisdiction over the parcels of land under paragraph (1), the Secretary of Defense shall enter into negotiations with appropriate State and local officials to acquire any real property, under the jurisdiction of such officials, that separates such parcels of land from each other.

(5) REPORT- Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to Congress a report explaining in detail the measures required to prepare the land for use as a part of Arlington National Cemetery .

(6) DEADLINE- The Secretary of Defense shall complete the transfer of administrative jurisdiction over the parcels of land under this subsection not later than the earlier of–

(A) January 1, 2010; or
(B) the date when those parcels are no longer required (as determined by the Secretary) for use as temporary office space due to the renovation of the Pentagon.


(1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary of the Army shall modify the boundary of Arlington National Cemetery to include the following parcels of land situated in Fort Myer, Arlington , Virginia:

(A) Certain lands which comprise approximately 5 acres bounded by the Fort Myer Post Traditional Chapel to the southwest, McNair Road to the northwest, the Vehicle Maintenance Complex to the northeast, and the masonry wall of Arlington National Cemetery to the southeast.

(B) Certain lands which comprise approximately 3 acres bounded by the Vehicle Maintenance Complex to the southwest, Jackson Avenue to the northwest, the water pumping station to the northeast, and the masonry wall of Arlington National Cemetery to the southeast.

(2) REPORT- Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Army shall submit to Congress a report describing additional parcels of land located in Fort Myer, Arlington , Virginia, that may be suitable for use to expand Arlington National Cemetery.

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