George Rodney Smith Brigadier General, United States Army

Born at Smith’s Mills, Chautangua County, New York, May 7, 1850, he graduated from the Collegiate Institute, Jamestown, New York, 1869, and from West Point in 1875. He married Corrine Barrett of Jamestown, August 19, 1879.

He was commissioned Second Lieutenant, 12th U. S. Infantry, June 16, 1875; promoted to First Lieutenant, January 11, 1881; to Major and Provost Marhal, July 5, 1882; Lieutenant Colonel, Deputy Provost Marshal General, January 25, 1904; Colonel, Assistant Provost Marshal General, April 7, 1908; Provost Marshsal General of the Army, February 16, 1912, with the rank of Brigadier General. He retired from the Army on February 15, 1913.

He was a member of the Loyal Legion of the United States and the Military Order of the Caribou. He received Campaign Badges for service against Apache Indians and during the Insurrection in the Philippines.

He resided at the Parkwood, Washington, D.C. until his death there in 1928. He was then buried in Section 1 of Arlington National Cemetery. His wife, Corrine Barnett Smith (1854 – 1938), is buried with him.

George Rodney Smith of New York

Appointed From New York, Cadet, United States Military Academy, 1 July 1870 (31)
Second Lieutenant, 12th U.S. Infantry, 16 June 1875
First Lieutenant, 11 January 1881
Major, 5 July 1882


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