Henry Clay Merriam – Major General, United States Army

Henry Clay Merriam was born at Holton, Maine, November 13, 1837.  He served as Captain, 20th Infantry, August 20, 1862; resigned January 7, 1863; Captain, 80th U.S. Colored Troops, March 11, 1863; Lieutenant Colonel, 85th U.S. Colored Troops, May 21, 1864; honorably mustered out, October 24, 1876; Colonel, 38th United States Infantry, June 28, 1866; Lieutenant Colonel, 2nd United States Infantry, June 10, 1876; Colonel, 7th United States Infantry, June 10, 1885; Brigadier General, United States Army, June 30, 1897; Major General of United States Volunteers, May 4, 1898-February 24, 1899; advanced to Major General, United States Army, and retired, February 19, 1903.

Merriam was brevetted Colonel of United States Volunteers, March 26, 1865, “for faithful and meritorious services during the campaign against Mobile; Lieutenant Colonel, March 2, 1867 for the same at Antietam; and he was awarded the Medal of Honor, June 28, 1894, for “conspicious gallantry at Fort Blakeley, April 9, 1865.”

Merriam served in numerous expeditions against hostile Indians and also in defense of American citizens on both sides of the Rio Grande River (Mexico-United States) during the revolutionary uprisings, 1873-76. He commanded the Department of the olorado, 19001-01. He was also the inventor of the Merriam Infantry Pack.

General Merriam died on November 18, 1912 and was buried in Section 1 of Arlington National Cemetery. His wife, Una McPherson Merriam (1843-1933) is buried with him.  His son, Henry MacPherson Merrill, Colonel, United States Army, is buried in Section 3 of Arlington National Cemetery.  The General’s grandson, Henry L. Merriam, who died in 1918, is buried in Section 8 of Arlington National Cemetery and is listed only as the son of Henry M. Merrill.

His brother, Lewis Merriam, Captain, United States Army, is buried nearby in Section 1.


Rank and organization: Lieutenant Colonel, 73d U.S. Colored Troops. Place and date: At Fort Blakely, Alabama, 9 April 1865. Entered service at: Houlton, Maine. Birth: Houlton, Maine. Date of issue: 28 June 1894.


Volunteered to attack the enemy’s works in advance of orders and, upon permission being given, made a most gallant assault.

Left to Right, seated: Lieutenant Charles A. Booth, Captain Levi Frank Burnett, Colonel Henry C. Merrian, Major Andrew Burt Standing: Lieutenant L. D. Greene, Lieutenant George Wilcox McInver, Captain William Quinton, Lieutenant Alred B. Johnson, Captain Louis Brechemin (Post Surgeon), Lieutenant Armand I. Lasseigne, Lieutenant A. P. Buffington, Lieutenant D. L. Howell


  • DATE OF DEATH: 11/18/1912


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