Outreach & Advocacy

It’s through advocacy and public awareness that we reduce the stigma that is associated with co-occurring disorders. At the Dual Diagnosis Recovery Network, we participate in advocating for better treatment standards for individuals with co-occurring disorders. We work with chemical dependency, mental health, consumer and family advocacy organizations to educate and publicize the need for more services that are appropriate for co-occurring disorders. Our mission is to enhance recovery opportunities for individuals and families in dual recovery.

  • Participate with community based mental health, chemical dependency, and consumer advocate organizations.
  • Offer in-service and workshop presentations to increase public awareness and to reduce stigma that is associated It’s through advocacy and public awareness that we reduce the stigma that is associated with co-occurring disorders. At the Dual Diagnosis Recovery Network, we participate in advocating for better treatment standards for individuals with co-occurring disorders. We work with chemical dependency, mental health, consumer and family advocacy organizations to educate and publicize the need for more services that are appropriate for co-occurring disorders. Our mission is to enhance recovery opportunities for individuals and families in dual recovery.
  • Participate with community based mental health, chemical dependency, and consumer advocate organizations.
  • Offer in-service and workshop presentations to increase public awareness and to reduce stigma that is associated with dual disorders.
  • A speakers bureau of individuals with expertise in the areas of dual disorders and recovery.
  • Coordinate a statewide organization, the Dual Diagnosis Recovery Network (DDRN).
  • Provide educational brochures and pamphlets about co-occurring disorders.
  • Anti-Stigma Campaign
  • Consumer Rights
  • Mental Health Parity Legislation
  • Register to Vote
  • U.S. House of Representatives
  • U.S. Senate


DDRN advocates networking with regional community based mental health, chemical dependency, social service, churches, regional state planning groups, and advocacy organizations. The advocates bring the needs of individuals who experience dual disorders and family members to the attention of community organizations.

Focus Groups

DDRN will conduct community based focus groups. The groups offer individuals in dual recovery, family members and services providers an avenue to identify problems associated with dual disorders and discover community based solutions. The participants will then have the opportunity to form an ongoing task force groups to continue to work together to enhance and develop recovery opportunities for individuals and families affected by dual disorders.

The groups will offer individuals in Dual Recovery, their family members and service providers a forum to identify problems associated with dual disorders and community based solutions. The participants will then have the opportunity to create an ongoing task force to continue to enhance and develop recovery opportunities.

Speakers Bureau

The DDRN maintains a state wide speaker bureau. The bureau offers community groups and agencies an opportunity to have regional and state level speakers address issues related to dual disorders and dual recovery. The speakers bureau will be comprised of individuals in dual recovery, family members and professionals.

The Dual Diagnosis Recovery Network

The Dual Diagnosis Recovery Network is a statewide organization with regional chapters that offer individuals in dual recovery, their families, and service providers a means of working together to enhance recovery opportunities within the community.

Regional chapters allow those involved in dual recovery to make contact with one another and assess the needs in their own community. Through education themselves, the general public and policy makers, individuals with dual diagnosis can ease the stigma and raise the level of care. By providing a voice in the community, regional chapters can assist in the development of improved services and support systems for those with a dual diagnosis. This can include active participation in local and state government, educational and providing local support groups. If you would like more information on groups in your area or how to start a regional chapter, please contact us.with dual disorders.

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