Seroquel Abuse

Seroquel is a prescription atypical antipsychotic medication used in the treatment of disorders like depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Over a one-year period of time, American doctors wrote more than 54 million prescriptions for antipsychotics like Seroquel, IMS Health states.

The base chemical in this drug is fumaric acid salt. It is intended to treat these disorders by affecting the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain — both feel-good chemicals. Increasing these chemicals decreases the potential for depressive episodes and mood swings in the affected person.

Around 13.6 million Americans have a serious mental health disorder, such as schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder, the National Alliance on Mental Illness reports. First marketed in the US in 1997, Seroquel has gone on to be used in nearly 70 countries worldwide, Neuropsychiatry Disease and Treatment notes.

Why Is Seroquel Abused?

It may sound like an odd choice for drug abuse, but many addicts actually seek out the calming and hallucinogenic effects that Seroquel provides. A large number of those who abuse this drug are suffering from anxiety or other issues of mood fluctuations, and they self-medicate with Seroquel to ease their discomfort.

According to the Helpguide, half of Americans living with the severe types of mental illness that Seroquel is intended to treat are substance abusers. Sadly, many are unaware of their illness and end up deeply entrenched in a world of drug or alcohol abuse trying to cope with the cards life has dealt them. Many others end up misusing Seroquel after it was prescribed for them to treat an off-label illness or ailment. Case in point, antipsychotic prescriptions were rendered for 21.3 percent of patients who sought psychiatric care for an anxiety disorder in 2007 — a 10.6 percent increase since 1996, per The New York Times.

Comprehensive Treatment

Some Seroquel abusers will mix the drug with more potent substances like cocaine — a concoction known as “Q-ball.” This kind of poly-drug abuse often warrants a more complex detox and treatment plan. Being upfront during your intake interview at a rehab facility is necessary if you want to see a return on the time, effort, and money you put into the recovery process.

Detox is the first and most important step in moving forward from your addiction to Seroquel. Medications and alternative interventions can make this process more comfortable for you.

Afterward, treatment for the problems that led you to drug abuse and addiction in the first place can be the best next step. The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids notes that addicts who seek follow-up care within a month of finishing detox will take 40 percent longer to relapse, if they ever do. Your aftercare program may include standard treatment regimens, such as individual therapy, group therapy, family counseling, and support groups, or it might branch out into holistic treatment, such as acupuncture, fitness activities, yoga and meditation. Both inpatient and outpatient treatment options allow you to tailor your treatment plan to meet your individual needs.

If you’re ready to step away from Seroquel abuse and step toward a life of health and balance, call us today. We can help.

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