What Should I Look for in a Sober Living Home?

Rehab gives people a break from pressures and responsibilities so they can focus solely on sobriety. The next step in recovery is leaving treatment and learning to live in the real world. For some people making that leap feels too daunting. Recovery experts recommend that those individuals consider transitional living environments also called halfway houses or sober living homes.

LGBT communal living may be a wise option for people in situations that include the following:

  • People who feel ready to leave the high structure of rehab but not entirely prepared for independent living
  • People with a history of relapse
  • People who would otherwise reenter environments in which substance abuse is prevalent
  • People with Dual Diagnosis who need more time to establish recovery habits

Key Facts about Sober Living Homes

Most sober living homes operate differently. Nevertheless all offer the benefits of a drug and alcohol-free environment that provides structure and community for LGBT people.

Several key facts about sober living homes include the following:

  • They are group homes for people who are recovering from addiction issues.
  • Residents are required to pay rent.
  • There are fewer sober living homes for women than there are for men.
  • They offer a fresh start at self-sufficiency.

Sober Living House Rules

LGBT individuals who live in a recovery community are typically required to follow strict rules. Additionally they usually are expected to do the same things they would do for themselves if they lived in a regular home. Several common requirements include the following:

  • Total abstinence from drugs or alcohol
  • Contribution to household tasks within the community
  • Respect for curfews and visitation hours
  • Drug testing

Sober Living Example Schedules

Structure is one critical component of sober living housing. LGBT residents follow a daily schedule of tasks that usually includes the following:

  • Regularly scheduled mealtimes with assigned responsibilities for preparation and clean up
  • Time for chores which may include jobs such as doing laundry, yard work, cleaning bathrooms or communal living areas, or mopping floors
  • Attend house meetings
  • Attend local 12-step meetings in the community

The goal of a sober living home is to prepare individuals to reenter mainstream society and stay sober.

With help from professionals and other recovery supports, it is possible to overcome addiction and establish lasting sobriety.

Treatment for Addiction

If you or a loved one suffers from addiction, we can help. Admissions coordinators are available at our toll-free, 24 hour helpline to guide you to wellness and affordable solutions. You can live without drugs and alcohol. Please call 844-496-9429 today, and take the first step toward a LGBT life of health and wholeness.

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