Equine Therapy Treatment

Equine-assisted therapy is an innovative treatment model utilized in addiction treatment. Through work with horses, individuals can gain greater insight into other areas of life. Interestingly, many people experience gains in equine therapy that they aren’t able to achieve in traditional talk therapy.

Specifics of Equine Therapy

Monty Roberts, bestselling author of The Man Who Listens to Horses is internationally acclaimed for his soft approach to training and taming wild or misbehaved horses. The book, written in autobiographical format, chronicles Roberts’ troubled youth at the hands of an abusive father. Roberts, having grown up with horses, became sensitized to them at an early age, feeling more of a kinship with them than a master/beast relationship.

In his early teens, on a trip to Nevada to observe horses in the wild, Roberts witnessed how horses interacted with each other, and translated his insights into a philosophy and technique to compassionately train them. Roberts’ unique approach landed on the international stage, and even garnered the attention of the Queen of England, for whom he has done horse-training demonstrations and developed a friendship.

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It did not take long for the public to see how Roberts’ approach to horses could be useful in human relationships. For instance, as reported in the British paper The Guardian, in 2005, Roberts was invited to the United Kingdom to conduct a three-day workshop for teachers of independent British schools. Roberts, drawing insightful parallels between children’s behavior and that of horses (like how each processes aggression and intimidation), adapted his training philosophy to childrearing and educating.

For example, to teach children responsibility without resorting to punishment, Roberts advised the UK teachers to have children draft a contract for good behavior and bad behavior. As Roberts theorized, the process would allow children to be heard in the drafting process and take responsibility for any sanctions (like a timeout) in the event of a violation. In this way, children would not be subject to the fear of the unknown if they broke a rule, nor would they have to face the whim and discretion of the teacher (who might dole out a more severe or lighter punishment on any given day because of his particular mood and not the child’s actions).

If you’d like more information on equine-assisted therapy, or details on FRN programs that offer it, contact us today.

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