Vicoprofen Abuse and Treatment

Each Vicroprofen pill contains two active ingredients: hydrocodone and ibuprofen. When these two elements work together, they can bring about a great deal of pain relief. But the pills are designed to deliver that relief for a very short period of time. According to the Mayo Clinic, doctors shouldn’t provide Vicoprofen pills for longer than 10 … Read more

Medicine for Schizophrenia Treatment

A serious mental health disorder characterized by a range of different intrusive symptoms, patients who are diagnosed with schizophrenia are usually prescribed medication to assist them in managing these symptoms. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), antipsychotic medications are the first line of pharmacological defense against symptoms of schizophrenia and similar disorders. The original … Read more

5 Signs Somebody Needs Help

It’s not always easy to tell when someone you care about is struggling with chronic drug abuse or drug addiction and needs drug rehab. Maybe you don’t see them often enough to know what else is going on in their lives that could be a potential cause for the changes you’re noticing. Maybe they’ve been going through … Read more

12-Step Support Groups

When talking about recovery from drugs and alcohol abuse, the phrase “12-Step support groups” is used a lot. Because you only ever hear them in the context of treatment and rehabilitation, there’s a lot of misconception and mystery over what these groups are, what happens in these groups, what their goals are, and how they help … Read more

Interacting After Rehab

In 2011, about 10 percent of American adults admitted that they were in recovery from a drug or alcohol abuse problem, according to the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids. Each and every person who moved from substance abuse to sobriety likely dealt with transition concerns. They probably wondered what they should do or say or think in … Read more

Treatment Accreditations

Addiction is a powerful enemy, and the weapon to fight it – namely, treatment – is similarly potent. When wielded improperly, carelessly or unprofessionally, treatment can be as damaging and destructive as the addiction it is supposed to combat. That is why treatment accreditation exists: to promote healthy rehabilitative institutions and practices, and to protect … Read more

What Do I Do If an Intervention Fails?

The goal of an intervention is to help addicted loved ones begin their journey to healing in the following ways: Recognize that they are struggling with a life-altering disorder Envision a life in recovery for themselves Accept immediate treatment However, even when the family does everything right and stages the perfect intervention, it is still possible that … Read more

Stimulant Use

Bipolar disorder is a serious mental health disorder, one that is defined by extreme mood swings. Those who live with bipolar disorder often fight madly to escape the deep depressive episodes they experience – and strive just as hard to achieve and maintain the ebullient manic episodes that also characterize the disorder. Many bipolar patients report that they feel … Read more

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Introduced in the 1980s, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is an approach designed to help a person overcome perceived negative thoughts and feelings in order to accept a greater sense of wellbeing and purpose. The Association for Contextual Behavioral Science further defines this practice as using acceptance and mindfulness strategies paired with commitment and behavioral approaches. The … Read more

Alcoholics Anonymous: Helping in Recovery

Some people stop drinking because they’re forced to do so. They’re arrested, they are forced to submit to breath tests, or they move to a place in which they can’t get alcohol. People like this may be sober, but they didn’t get there due to an overwhelming desire for a healthy life. Sobriety was thrust … Read more

Using Insurance

Getting help for mental health care can be tough for some people, especially without insurance. Of the 57.7 million people who suffer from mental health disorders or addiction, only 26 percent receive the vital care they need. Luckily, federal laws are making it easier for Americans to obtain mental health care. Background on Mental Health Treatment in America As … Read more

What Are the Benefits of a Sober Living House?

Taking drugs involves a great deal of ritual. If you drink alcohol, you’re required to pull down a glass, fill the glass with ice and pour or mix yourself something liquid. If you take injected drugs, you’re required to prepare the drug, prep your arm, inject your skin and then stash all of the tools … Read more

Obstacles to Recovery

Each year millions of people who need treatment for an alcohol or drug abuse or dependency do not receive it. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), published in 2013, approximated that 22.7 million Americans aged 12 and older needed specialized treatment for an alcohol or illicit drug abuse issue. Only 10.9 percent, or 2.5 … Read more

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

The power of the human mind is pretty amazing, when you think about it. This one part of our bodies controls everything in our bodies, from the breaths we take to the conscious movement of our muscles. Our heart beats because of our brain. We feel emotions because of our brain. We have the ability … Read more

Is There a Cure for It?

A pervasive disease that is believed to affect as many as 18 million Americans, alcohol use disorders are the subject of thousands of studies every year. The primary goal of many of these studies is one thing: finding a cure for alcoholism. Unfortunately, as of yet, there is no cure for any substance abuse disorder. However, … Read more

Will Blue Cross Blue Shield Pay for Rehab?

Getting to the bottom of what Blue Cross Blue Shield will cover when it comes to substance abuse treatment can be tricky. Different states have different parameters for what must be covered by insurance and in what amount, plus they offer a range of policies that vary from state to state as well. Consider, for example, Blue Shield … Read more

Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia is a challenging and debilitating eating disorder that is fueled by an often incorrect self-perception, a negative body image, and a desire to achieve perfection. Anorexia often causes people to lose more weight than they should in order to stay healthy. Anorexia can impact long-term health and can even lead to early heart failure … Read more

Treatment for Heroin Addiction

When Philip Seymour Hoffman died of a heroin overdose in 2014, the president of took the opportunity to remind everyone that while Hoffman obviously knew that taking heroin was a bad idea, “his brain was constantly telling him that taking some heroin would be a very good idea.” Many people use heroin – in … Read more

How Much Does Anger Management Cost?

Anger management, or the treatment of angry outbursts or issues of temper, is something that is becoming much more common today, as more and more people successfully seek out treatment to learn how to control their anger. Thanks to the existence of many different types of anger management treatment programs and options, a person has … Read more

Does Medicare Cover It?

Medicare, just like all health insurance policies offered on the open exchanges since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, does cover the cost of drug rehab. Distinct from treatment services covered for the treatment of alcohol abuse or alcoholism, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services acknowledge that different services may be necessary to treat patients … Read more

Dual Diagnosis Rehab – What you need to know

Dual diagnosis can be defined simply as the coexistence of both a mental illness and an addiction in the same individual. After that, things aren’t so simple. Treating a dual diagnosis patient is complicated because the different conditions tend to aggravate each other – making them worse if untreated. What’s more, the symptoms for certain … Read more

Same-Day Rehab Admittance

Your loved one is in crisis and, right now – perhaps for the first time – he is ready to enter a drug treatment program and begin the process of recovery. His agreement may be fleeting – tomorrow, he may feel differently – and you want to get him into treatment today in order to … Read more

Dual Diagnosis, Integrated Treatment or Co-occurring: What’s the Difference?

Neuroscience and psychology are rapidly changing fields. Every day, new research helps us understand more about the processes and biology behind mental health and addiction, so it is only natural that the terms we use to diagnose and treat them evolve as well. “Dual diagnosis” and “co-occurring disorder” are two terms that are relatively new … Read more

Staying Healthy In Treatment

Eating well and choosing nutrient-rich foods can a play a big role in efficient recovery. Choosing healthy foods over processed foods and junk food can aid in: Replacing nutrients lost during active addiction Continuing the detox process after addiction Improving the ability to fall asleep and stay asleep Improving mood Increasing immune system and the ability … Read more

Issues of Treatment by Profession

Addictions are often equated with unemployment and low economic status. While it’s true that some people do lose everything to their addictions, including their jobs and their savings, it’s also true that some people continue to work and achieve the outer trappings of success, all while dealing with very serious cases of addiction that threaten both … Read more

How Long Should You Stay in Sober Living?

The amount of time you should stay in a sober living home – like the amount of time you should stay in treatment – should be determined based on your individual needs. As a general rule, as long as you are benefitting from the support provided by sober living and can afford to stay, then it’s a … Read more

Prescription Drug Treatment

Prescription drugs were designed to help people get well, but unfortunately they have become a tool that millions of Americans use to abuse their bodies and destroy their lives. Prescription drug addiction is a growing problem, especially among the young, who have access to these medications online and in their parents’ medicine cabinets. With prescription drug abuse … Read more

Does Insurance Cover Heroin Detox?

Thanks to some of the legislative changes regarding health insurance in the United States in the past few years, more and more people are now eligible to receive health insurance coverage for heroin detox and related services. In some cases, that coverage is as readily available as coverage for routine medical issues. In other cases, … Read more

Issues and Dangers of Self-Diagnosis

A formal diagnosis is often the first step on the road to healing from a physical or a mental illness. A diagnosis provides a faint feeling of illness with a name, and the right diagnosis can provide someone with a clear roadmap to wellness. Often, people visit their doctors in order to get this kind of … Read more

Marijuana Rehab

WHEN THE STATES OF WASHINGTON AND COLORADO DECRIMINALIZED THE SALE AND USE OF MARIJUANA, IT THRUST THE DRUG INTO THE FOREFRONT OF PUBLIC DEBATE. While marijuana is known for not being as addictive, powerful, or harmful as other illicit substances (hence the push to legalize it), it can still cause addictions and have negative physical, … Read more

10 Things You Should Know About Treatment

1. Dual diagnosis is not a rare phenomenon Some studies indicate that as many as half of those with a drug or alcohol addiction also have some form of mental illness 2. Dual diagnosis comes in many forms Any combination of mental illness (including anxiety disorder, depression, etc.) and addiction (alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, etc.) … Read more

Privacy and Anonymity in Recovery

Often, substance users question how many others are struggling like they are to manage their drug or alcohol addiction. Results from 2010 government research notes that 23.5 million Americans are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol.[1] You’re not alone, but illicit substances and depressants like alcohol can often make you feel like you are. It is human … Read more

What Is Dilaudid Used to Treat?

Dilaudid — the brand name for hydromorphone — is an opioid pain reliever that is legally available only by prescription. In 2012, American doctors wrote 3.9 million prescriptions for Dilaudid, per the Drug Enforcement Administration Office of Diversion Control. Dilaudid entered the American drug market way back in 1926, two years after its development by German … Read more

Guide to Outpatient Rehab

What Is Outpatient Care? Outpatient care is a form of treatment in which the client lives at home and comes in to a clinic or treatment center for therapy and/or medication. One nationwide data set found that outpatient care made up roughly 60 percent of substance abuse treatment admissions.[1] A subset of 12 percent received intensive … Read more

People to Avoid on the Road to Recovery

One of the many purposes of drug rehab is to help the addicted person to identify his triggers for relapse. People, places, events and certain situations – any of these can create stress or cause anger, grief, frustration or depression, which in turn can cause an addicted person to feel pushed to get high or drink. When your … Read more

Concentrative Movement Therapy

Dealing with an addiction or a mental health issue means accessing painful memories from the past, and thinking about how to move forward in the future. Some of those conversations flow easily, as the memories are sharp and the path ahead seems relatively clear. There are times, however, when memories seem trapped within the wrinkles and folds … Read more

What to Look for in a Residential Treatment Facility

The decision to enter rehab is one of the most important decisions a substance abuser can make, and the next step is finding the right program. As PsychCentral discusses, it is most advisable to discuss treatment service options – such as inpatient/residential versus outpatient rehab – with a qualified counselor during a diagnostic assessment. When … Read more

Race and Recovery

Skin color plays no role in the way in which drugs are absorbed. Intoxicating substances deliver their effects in much the same way, regardless of a person’s race or ethnicity. But the rates of drug use do vary from one race to another, as do the rates of recovery from addiction. Experts aren’t quite sure … Read more

Dual Disorders Recovery Counseling

Approaches to Drug Abuse Counseling U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health Dennis C. Daley 1. OVERVIEW, DESCRIPTION, AND RATIONALE 1.1 General Description of Approach Dual disorders recovery counseling (DDRC) is an integrated approach to treatment of patients with drug use disorders and comorbid psychiatric disorders. The DDRC model, which integrates individual and group … Read more

Recovery Support Alternatives: When Should Someone Throw in the Towel on AA and What Other Recovery Programs Are Out There?

Once considered heresy in rehab circles, it’s now OK to say, “AA just isn’t for me.” A wealth of scientific research, both longstanding and emerging, offers examples of why Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-Step groups may not be an effective path to sobriety for everyone. Seeking professional help from licensed providers should be first and foremost … Read more

Where to Build a Support Network After Rehab

One of the most important components of recovery comes after you have completed treatment. The challenge of remaining sober once you are away from the support network you developed while in treatment grows more difficult the longer you go without support, so it’s important that you are prepared to build and maintain a support network … Read more

Licenses and Regulations for Sober Living Homes

When choosing a sober living home for your loved one, it is important to take a moment to make sure that they have the appropriate accreditation and licenses necessary to legally run a drug and alcohol addiction treatment establishment. It may not seem like something that should have to be on your checklist when researching facilities for … Read more

Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Professionals

Money and power are often linked with health and prestige. It’s assumed that professionals who have achieved some level of success just have less to worry about, when compared with the average person, and they might not develop addictions or substance abuse problems as a result. It’s assumed that their high status in their communities will protect … Read more

The Role of EMDR in PTSD Recovery

When something stressful happens, the body is designed to react by either fighting or fleeing. The pupils dilate, the muscles tense and digestion slows. In just seconds, the entire body is poised and ready for some sort of reaction, and all of that work happens deep in the subconscious portion of the mind. A person … Read more

History of Rehab Facilities

Addiction has been a part of the human condition since time immemorial. Ever since the earliest farmers noticed that fermentation in fruit provided unexpectedly pleasant results, the joy of imbibing in alcoholic beverages has always been tempered with the consequences of overdoing it. Various forms of treatment have been tried over the years, some more … Read more

Modified Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Services within an Integrated Treatment Program

Highlights Integrated treatment targeting co-occurring mental health and substance abuse problems were delivered through modified ACT services to improve housing stability, clinical outcomes, and quality of life for persons who were homeless or living in temporary and unstable housing (e.g., doubled up with friends). From March 2002 to December 2003, 560 persons with co-occurring mental … Read more

Foundations Model of Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Dual Diagnosis Treatment is one of the most specialized, complex areas of addiction rehabilitation. Treating those with both a mental illness and a drug or alcohol addiction is a complicated, delicate process that requires experts in both fields in order to be successful. Through its groundbreaking treatment centers, Foundations Recovery Network has developed a highly … Read more

Narcotics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) was founded in the early 1950s as an offshoot of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Although the organization grew slowly at first, by 1983, NA had spread to over a dozen countries and had nearly 3,000 meetings worldwide.Today, NA offers over 63,000 weekly meetings in 132 countries, and has literature available in at least 45 languages. The … Read more

The Use of Neurofeedback in Treatment

You might have heard of biofeedback, a scientific approach of collecting information about the body and its processes through monitoring heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature and brain waves. Types of biofeedback include: Thermal Heart rate variability (HRV) Muscular (EMG) Neurotherapy, neurobiofeedback or neurofeedback Neurofeedback, in short, is an arm of biofeedback that reports on … Read more

Approaches to an Intervention

As the Mayo Clinic explains, an intervention is a structured approach to helping a drug abuser face his addiction and need for treatment. The intervention can be helpful when a substance abuser is in denial about his abuse or behaves in a way that suggests he will not seek treatment on his own, despite the necessity of … Read more

Subject of Treatment by Specific Co-occurring Disorders

An article published in The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse suggests that about one-third of people admitted to psychiatric programs have concurrent substance abuse concerns. Studies like this suggest that many people who head to their doctors for assistance with a mental health concern may have a substance abuse problem lurking in the background. Healing is possible, … Read more

AA for Atheists

One of the key components to a sustainable and prolonged recovery from substance abuse or dependency is often the active participation in a support or self-help group after successfully completing a drug or alcohol treatment program. Peer support and the creation of a healthy network of individuals with similar circumstances may help maintain long-term sobriety. … Read more

Medications for Sleeping Disorders Treatment

In the treatment of sleep disorders, there are a few different types of medications commonly prescribed to patients. Some medications address disruptive physical ailments that make it difficult for patients to sleep while others aid in helping the patient to fall asleep or sleep through the night. Because there can be a number of causes for … Read more

The Stages of Recovery: What Are They and Why Are They Important?

Overcoming an addiction isn’t a simple process. In fact, it may be more accurate to think of it like a journey in which you venture through uncharted territories before finally reaching your destination. The concept of recovery as a process or journey is not often conveyed in recovery literature, but understanding this concept can be … Read more

Finding Treatment for Drug Addiction

It’s been a tough call to make, but you’re finally ready to get substance abuse treatment for yourself or your loved one. You’ve made the right decision – even if things seem to be improving, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that 40 to 60 percent of people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol … Read more

Does Mandatory Treatment Work?

Drug and alcohol abuse can lead to health concerns, trouble with interpersonal relationships, and a loss of production in the workplace. Addiction is a chronic brain disease that creates chemical changes in the brain and the natural reward and motivation centers. Someone suffering from a substance abuse dependency may spend most of their time seeking … Read more

Issues of Treatment by Special Treatment Requirements

Matching addicted people to the right kind of care is absolutely vital, as patients who affiliate with their treatment programs tend to stay enrolled and, as a result, they tend to improve. While it’s vital for referring professionals to match their recommendations with a patient’s physical and mental health needs, it’s also vital to assess what … Read more

Medications for Bipolar Disorders Treatment

Almost all patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, will be prescribed medication to help them balance their moods and mitigate the difficult symptoms that often define the disorder. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), mood stabilizers are often the first medication measure implemented in the pharmacological treatment of Bipolar disorder, … Read more

Evidence-Based Treatment Practices

The National Alliance on Mental Illness defines evidence-based practices, also known as EBPs, as treatments that have been researched academically or scientifically, been proven effective, and replicated by more than one investigation or study. This model integrates medically researched evidence with individual patient values and the clinical experience of the provider. Evidence-based treatment practices are meant to … Read more

The Facts About Alcohol Treatment

For all the popularity of alcohol, everyone knows at least one person who has struggled with alcoholism. And there have been hundreds of cases of celebrities, politicians, and other public figures getting treatment for an alcohol habit that got out of hand. We hear a lot about words like “rehab,” “detox,” and “therapy” when it … Read more

Treatment for Members of the LGBT Community

One of the most common reasons that people use drugs and alcohol is to cope with stress. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) people are likely to experience more stress than their heterosexual counterparts. Stressful circumstances might include: The decision of whether to come out, and if so, how Rejection or punishment from family members … Read more

Medicine for Anxiety Treatment

There are a number of different types of anxiety disorders, the most common of which include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Depending upon the type and severity of symptoms, different medications may be more or less appropriate. Any other issues, like substance abuse, may also play a role in … Read more

Costs of Outpatient Treatment

Treatment services for drug abuse and addiction can get expensive, even if the patient opts for outpatient care. The good news is that this cost is extremely modifiable, determined based on the combination of services chosen and whether or not health insurance will cover all or part of the cost. What treatment services will best help … Read more

Relapse Guide

Anyone who has ever overcome a substance abuse problem can look you in the eye and tell you that it was not easy process. Addiction sinks its claws very deep into a person’s mind and life, and escaping its clutches is not always a clean process. That’s why every recovery program stresses the importance of … Read more