Talbott Recovery

Talbott Campus was founded in 1989 by Dr. G. Douglas Talbott, a famed internist and cardiologist who had his own struggles with addiction. In his search for treatment, he was disappointed by the lack of help specifically for licensed medical professionals. This led to Talbott becoming a pioneering voice for the treatment of alcoholism and addiction as a disease.

Eventually, with the help of other passionate individuals, he sought to open his own treatment facility for licensed professionals, where he could use many of the innovative methods he developed to treat addiction and underlying mental illness. Today, among services for young adults and families, Talbott offers services to licensed professionals across several fields, like medicine, law and aviation. In 2015, Talbott Recovery joined Foundations Recovery Networks family of treatment centers.

Talbott offers:

  • Medically supervised detox
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Young Adult Addiction Program
  • Licensed Professionals Program
  • Pilots Program
  • Family Program
  • Alumni support services
  • Relapse prevention

Why Choose Talbott Recovery?

Talbott Recovery has been dedicated to compassionately providing comprehensive addiction and co-occurring disorders treatment in the metro Atlanta area. In addition to treatment for adults and young adults, we offer specialized programs for pilots, RNs and other professionals who need to overcome licensing issues along with addiction so they can return to work post-recovery.

Getting Help

For more information about the treatment program or the admissions process, please call today. Admissions coordinators can discuss treatment options with you and determine your insurance coverage for treatment at no cost to you. 844-768-1156

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