Henry Romeyn – Major, United States Army

He earned the Medal of Honor while serving in the Indian Wars as First Lieutenant, 5th United States Infantry at Bear Paw Mountain, Montana, on September 30, 1877.

He was born in Galen, New York, on June 1, 1833 and entered the service in Michigan.

The Medal was actually conferred on him on November 27, 1894. He wrote the book, “The Capture of Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce Indians.”

He died on February 21, 1913 and was buried in Section 3 of Arlington National Cemetery. His wife, Annie LaTourrette Romeyn (1853-1925), is buried with him.

Henry Romeyn of New York
Appointed from Michigan, Private, Corporal and Sergeant, COmpany G, 105 Illinois Infantry, 15 August 1862 to 15 November 1863;
Appointed Captain, 14th U. S. Colored Infantry 15 November 1863;
Breveted Major, U.S. VOlunteers, 13 March 1865 for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Nashville, Tennessee.
Honorably mustered out 26 March 1866:
Appointed First Lieutenant, 37 U.S. Infantry, 22 January 1867;
Unassigned 19 May l869;
Assigned to the 5th U.S. Infantry, 14 August 1869;
Captain, 10 July 1885;
Breveted Captain, 2 March 1867 for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Nashville, Tennessee.
Awarded Medal of Honor,  27 November 1894 for most distinguished gallantry in action against hostile Nez Perce Indians at Bear Paw Mountain. Montana, 30 September 1877 in leading his command into close range of the enemy there maintaining his position and vigorously prosecuting the fight until he was severely wounded while First Lieutenant, 5th U.S. Infantry.
Retired 1 June 1897.



Rank and organization: First Lieutenant, 5th U.S. Infantry. Place and date: At Bear Paw Mountain, Montana. 30 September 1877. Entered service at: Michigan. Birth: Galen, New York. Date of issue: 27 November 1894.


Led his command into close range of the enemy, there maintained his position, and vigorously prosecuted the fight until he was severely wounded.



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