Hoyt LeRoy Prindle – Brigadier General, United States Air Force

Died April 1, 1967

Hoyt LeRoy Prindle was born in Lawton, Michigan, in 1905. He graduated from high school in Hanford, California, and attended the Emerson Institute in Washington, D.C.

Appointed an Aviation Cadet on March 4, 1926, General Prindle entered Primary Flying School at Brooks Field, Texas, graduated from Advanced Flying School at Kelly Field, Texas, in July 1927, and joined the 27th Pursuit Squadron at Selfridge Field, Mich. Going to Hawaii in January 1930, he served successively with the Eighth and Sixth Pursuit Squadrons at Wheeler Field, and in June 1932 joined the 18th Pursuit Group at Langley Field, Virginia. After serving with the 397th Civilian Conservation Corps at Roxboro, Mass., from August to December 1933, he became assistant section control officer, Army Mail Service, at Newark, New Jersey.

Returning to Langley Field, Virginia, in March 1935, General Prindle was adjutant of the Second Bomb Wing, General Headquarters. He served with the 91st School Squadron at Maxwell Field, Alabama, from July to September 1937 and then returned to Langley Field as operations officer the 96th Bomb Squadron. In December 1940 he assumed command of the Second Bomb Squadron there, becoming base engineering officer in January 1942 and that April assuming command of the 51st Supply Depot at Langley Field.

Going to Brookley Field, Alabama, in June 1942, General Prindle was commanding officer of the 27th Air Defense Group, assuming command of Charleston Air Base, South Carolina, that August. Returning to Brookley Field in September 1943, He was assistant to the commanding general of the Mobile Air Service Command, becoming deputy commander the following month. In February l944 he assumed command of the 3lst Service Group at Campbell Air Base, Kentucky, taking it to McCook, Nebraska. The following January he was named chief of staff of the 22nd Bomber Command at Peterson Field, Colorado.

Ordered to the European Theater of Operations in April 1945, General Prindle was deputy commanding officer of the First Tactical Air Force Service Command at Heidelberg, Germany. That May 5 he was named deputy commander of the 42nd Bomb Wing, becoming commanding officer later that month. Going to Eachborn, Germany, in September 1945, he was station commander, and the following February he was appointed a member of the Officer Review Board at Bayreuth, Germany. Resuming his former position two months later, in May 1946 he was named station commander at Bremen Air Base, Germany.

Transferred to the Tactical Air Command in November 1947, General Prindle was deputy commander of the 313th Troop Carrier Wing at Sewart Air Force Base, Tennessee, in October 1948. On temporary duty with the Far East Air Forces in Korea from September to December 1950, he was deputy commander of Combat Cargo, then deputy commander of Suckchon Airborne Operation, returning to command the 314th Troop Carrier Wing at Sewart Air Force Base.

Still with the Tactical Air Command, on July 5, 1954 General Prindle was named chief of staff for the 18th Air Force at Donaldson Air Force Base, South Carolina, becoming deputy commander of the 18th April 25, 1955.

His decorations include the Legion of Merit and Distinguished Flying Cross. He is rated a command pilot.


  • DATE OF BIRTH: 06/23/1905
  • DATE OF DEATH: 03/19/1967

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