Joseph Edward Casey – Private, United States Army, Member of Congress

Courtesy of the U.S. House of Representatives

Representative from Massachusetts; born in Clinton, Worcester County, Massachusetts., December 27, 1898; attended the public schools; served as a Private in the United States Army at Camp Lee, Virginia, in 1918; was graduated from the law department of Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, in 1920; was admitted to the bar in 1920 and commenced practice in Clinton, Massachusetts; delegate to the Democratic National Conventions in 1924, 1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944; elected as a Democrat to the Seventy-fourth and to the three succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1935-January 3, 1943); was not a candidate for renomination in 1942 to the Seventy-eighth Congress, but was an unsuccessful candidate for election to the United States Senate; resumed the practice of law in Boston, Massachusetts, and in Washington, D.C., where he resided until his death September 1, 1980; interment in Arlington National Cemetery, Section 1, Grave 761-B.  His wife, Constance Dudley Casey (10 February 1915-29 January 1988) is buried with him.

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