John Erwin Kuffner – Colonel, United States Army

Courtesy of his classmates, United States Military Academy:

John Erwin Kuffner
No. 13211  •  26 February 1917 – 26 June 1999
Died in Silver Spring, Maryland
Interment: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia



I was born 26 February 1917 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Educated in the Pittsburgh public schools and at the University of Pittsburgh. Married Lois Ruth Scheib, who also was born and raised in Pittsburgh and who had been a classmate since seventh grade, on 3 May 1943.

I have two daughters, Joyce and Andrea, and one son, Stephen; also have six grandchildren. Son Steve is a USMA graduate, Class of 1973. Am proud to say my last official act at retirement time was to swear him in upon his graduation; am even prouder to say that he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel from below the zone.

I was in northern Germany when the war ended in Europe and I was immediately and directly redeployed to the Pacific. Arrived back in CONUS in 1947 and began a long and most interesting association with the Atomic Energy Commission. From that time forward had three nonconsecutive tours with the AEC in what became the Division of Military Application, for a total of twelve years. All field assignments, both in CONUS and overseas, also were associated with special weapons programs. These assignments included duty as an instructor in weapons employment, command and staff duty with 7th Army and Communications Zone in Europe, and Nuclear Division Chief in the DA Office of Research and Development in the Pentagon.

Upon retirement from the Army in 1973 was offered a civilian  position in DMA, which was now a part of the Department of Energy, and remained there for ten years until retirement in June 1983.

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