Jerry Jay Shields – Second Lieutenant, United States Marine Corps

March 25, 1945 – Marine Lieutenant Jerry J. Shields, 7036 East End Avenue, Chicago, a forward observer with a 5th Marine Division Field Artillery Unit, took part in the battle on Iwo Jima.

Lieutenant Shields, a student at the University of Illinois before entering the service, was in the front lines near Mount Suribachi when he spotted Japs behind a huge rock.  He gave the alarm and the Leathernecks did the rest.  Lieutenant Shields spent five days in the front lines until Mount Suribachi was secured.

WASHINGTON, D. C. March 30, 1945 – Acting for the Army and Navy, the Office of War Information today made public a casualty list including the names of Navy men killed, wounded and missing in action and held prisoner.  The list includes 346 men from Chicago and vicinity.  The next of kin have been kept informed of any changes in the status of casualties since this report was compiled.

NAVY DEAD:  Shields, Jerry J. Second Lieutenant, USMCR – Son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Shields, 7036 East End Avenue, Chicago.

WASHINGTON – March 20, 1948 – More than 3,000 bodies of Americans who died in the fighting for Pacific islands were announced today as being aboard the United States Army transport Walter W. Schwenk, due at San Francisco Monday.  Of the 3,295 bodies which are being returned from Saipan and Honolulu, 193 were returned at instruction from next-of-kin residing in Illinois.

Following is a list of Illinois bodies:

Shields, Jerry J. – 7036 East End Avenue, Chicago.

University of Illinois At Urbana Vetarans Memorial

Jerry Jay Shields of Chicago, Illinois
World War II
Years Attended: 1943
College: Liberal Arts & Sciences
Service Branch: Marines
Rank: Lieutenant
Date of Birth: 6/24/1923
Date of Death: 2/26/1945
Lieutenant Shields was killed in action on Iwo Jima
SHIELDS, Jerry J., Second Lieuenant, USMCR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Shields, 7036 East End Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.


  • DATE OF BIRTH: 06/24/1923
  • DATE OF DEATH: 02/21/1945

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