James Mifflin Loud – Lieuenant Colonel, United States Army


Served In Philippines, Hawaii and Alaska As Well As Training Camps Of 1917-18

MAPLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY, September 26, 1935 – Lieutenant Colonel James Mifflin Loud, United States Army, retired, died today as his home here.  He had been in failing health for some time.

Colonel Loud, who  was in his fifty-ninth year, was retired from the Armyin 1923 after a long military career in the Philippine Islands, Hawaii, Alaska and various parts of the United States.

He was born in Philadelphia and was commissioned in the army in 1899, a year after the retirement of his father, the late Lieutenant Colonel John S. Loud of Washington, D.C.

Colonel Loud was sent to St. Louis in 1904 as one of theofficers in charge of policing arrangements at the World Fair and was a member ofthe famous Jefferson Guards, an organization of army officers there at the time.  The wasstationed in this country throughout the WorldWar, engagedin training troops, principally at Camp Dodge, near Des Moines, Iowa.

Colonel Loud’s fatherentered military service at the outbreak of the Civil War, being a member of the Seventh Regiment of New York.  At the conclusion of the war he was commissioned as abrevet captain in the regular army.

The son was a member ofthe Maplewood Country Club.  Survivors are two sisters, Mrs. Francis F. Longley of Maplewood, with whom he made his home, and Mrs. Wellington Hunt ofDetroit. He never married.

The funeral will be conducted at 11 o’clock tomorrow morning at the home by the Rev. Arthur Nelson Butz, pastor of Prospect Presbyterian Church in Maplewood.  Military burial will take place on Friday at Arlington National Cemetery.

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