John Terry Remey – Lieutenant (jg) United States Navy

Courtesy of Mary Remey Wadleigh: 1 July 2006

I am Mary Remey Wadleigh, daughter of George Remey Wadleigh, granddaughter of John Winthrop Wadleigh, great granddaughter of George Collier Remey and great niece of John Terry Remey.  I can tell you something about all of these men.

My father, George Remey Wadleigh, was born to John Winthrop & Mary Remey Wadleigh in Washington, D.C. on September 13, 1920. He was their fourth son. His older brother, John Remey Wadleigh, attended the U. S. Naval Academy, served with distinction in World War II and was eventually commissioned a Rear Admiral. Infant twin brothers were born and died at or shortly after birth in 1917 or 1918. Their graves are in the family plot also, though the small stones may not be readily identifiable now. My father graduated from Harvard College in 1942, served with distinction in the Navy during World War II and became a Foreign Service officer in late 1947  He died of polio January 13, 1950, having become ill traveling from Bordeaux, France to Lisbon, Portugal, where he was to assume a new post at the U. S. Embassy. He left his widow, Josephine Kidder Wadleigh and three very young children. I was just a week short of 3 years old, my brother David Howland Wadleigh was 20 months old and my brother George Remey Wadleigh was just four weeks old, when our father died.

John Winthrop Wadleigh also died very young. He was an officer in the U. S. Marines and contracted yellow fever, I believe, while at sea in the spring of 1923. He left his widow, Mary Remey Wadleigh, for whom I was named, and my father and uncle, then aged 2 and 7, respectively.  (John W. Wadleigh’s father was a distinguished Navy admiral, George Henry Wadleigh, best known for initiating the plan to establish a naval base at Subic Bay, in the Phillippines, among many other exploits.)

George Collier Remey was also a distinguished Admiral and a close friend of the above-mentioned George Henry Wadleigh. It must have been a great joy to them both when their children fell in love and married — and a great tragedy when John W. Wadleigh died so young.  I believe that both Adm. Wadleigh & Adm. Remey saw action in the Civil War, at the very beginning of their naval careers.  They were both honored by having destroyers named for them during World War II. DD688 was the USS Remey and DD689 was the USS Wadleigh.  There is a great deal of information about them in the archives of the Naval Academy, much of it online.

John Terry Remey was the youngest son of Admiral Remey.  Although he was still alive when I was born, I believe, I do not remember ever meeting him and I do not know much about him — except that he graduated from Harvard College.

I hope this is somewhat useful.  Please contact me if you need more information.  I can probably find out more, if you need it.

John Terry Remey was born in Burlington, Iowa, on 9 July 1890 and died on 9 November 1960.  He is buried in Section 15 of Arlington National Cemetery.  His wife, Margaret Howard Remey (13 July 1892-28 March 1974) is buried with him.

John T. Remey is yet in the prime of life, and deserves much credit for the high position he has obtained, working his way from a subordinate position to the head of one of the largest banking institutions in the State.  In the discharge of his official duties he combines caution with his desire to please, and has made many warm personal friends.  He has the perfect confidence of the business men of the city, and of all persons with whom he has been brought in contact. In all matters of public interest he has always been ready to do his part.

He is the brother of George Collier Remey, Rear Admiral, United States Navy, who is also buried in Section 15 of Arlington National Cemetery.

He is also related to John Withrop Wadleigh, Major, United States Marine Corps, and George Remey Wadleigh, Lieutenant, United States Navy, both of whom are buried nearby in Section 15 of Arlington National Cemetery.

Major William B. Remey

Major William B. Remey, one of the pioneers of Des Moines County, Iowa, was born in Kentucky, and when a small boy went to St. Charles, near St. Louis, Missouri, where he grew to manhood and received a liberal education.

In 1837 he came to Burlington, Iowa, then a small village, and soon after his arrival embarked in the mercantile business, as one of the firm of Webber & Remey, the partnership continuing for a few years, Mr. Webber then withdrawing, and Mr. Remey continued the business alone for several years.

The first important business building in the city was erected by him, and until the big fire in 1874 was one of the oldest landmarks.  Mr. Remey in early life was an old-line Whig, a great admirer of Henry Clay and Daniel Webster, and continued to act with that party until the organization of the Republican party, with which he became identified and with which he affiliated until his death.  He was honored with many local offices, including City Clerk, City Treasurer and Alderman, serving in the latter office several terms.  In 1861 he was nominated by the Republican party for the office of County Treasurer, was elected, and filled that office for three terms with credit to himself and his constituents.  He was a man well posted in the affairs of the State and county, of fine social qualities, and made many warm friends in the county where he so long resided.

In the fall of 1837, soon after coming to Burlington, Mr. Remey was united in marriage with Miss Eliza Howland, a native of Woodstock, Vermont, by whom he had five children, three of whom are living: George C., a Captain in the United States Navy, is now stationed at the Norfolk Navy Yard, of which post he has charge; Colonel William B. is Judge Advocate General of the Navy and Marine Corps, at Washington, D. C.

John T. Remey, the third son of William B. and Eliza (Howland) Remey, is the President of the National State Bank, at Burlington, Iowa.  He was born in Burlington, June 4, 1844, grew to manhood in his native city, and received a good literary and business education in the Baptist College, of Burlington.  He began his business career as a clerk in the store of John H. Gear & Co.

When nineteen years of age he was employed as messenger in the bank of W. F. Coolbaugh & Co., in the city of Chicago, where he remained for a term of eight years, occupying different positions in the bank, which in the meantime had been re-organized as the Union National Bank.

By strict attention to business he won the confidence of his employers, and was promoted to paying teller of the bank.  He remained in the Chicago institution for eight years, becoming thoroughly posted in bank affairs.

Returning to Burlington in 1871, he was made Cashier of the National State Bank, which position he held until 1883, when he was elected President of the National State Bank, which position he still retains.  In 1872 Mr. Remey was married, in Burlington, to Miss Mary Rorer, a daughter of Judge Rorer, who was one of the most prominent men of Burlington.  They have one son, David Rorer Remey.



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