The Kennedy Family At Arlington National Cemetery – November 2000


Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., left, commemorates his brother, President John F. Kennedy, at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Va., Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2000, on the eve of the anniversary of JFK’s assassination Nov. 22, 1963. Ethel Kennedy, right, and Rory Kennedy, center, respectively widow and youngest child of Sen. Robert Kennedy, whose birthday is Nov. 20, also pay tribute.


Ethel Kennedy (kneeling, L), widow of slain Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, pays her respects at the grave site of her husband along with the 2000 RFK Human Rights award winner Martin Macwan of India (kneeling, C) and his mother Reginaben Chhotubhai Parmar, at Arlington National Cemetery, November 21, 2000. Standing are RFK’s daughter Rory Kennedy (L), RFK’s brother Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA), (C), and Gagan Sethi, a friend of Martin Macwan. November 21 is the anniversary of the RFK’s birthday.


Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA), (L-front), brother of slain President John F. Kennedy and Ethel Kennedy (R-front), widow of slain Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, pay their respects at the grave site of John F. Kennedy at Arlington National Cemetery, November 21, 2000. November 22 is the 37th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Joining the Kennedy’s are and Gagan Sethi (R-back), a friend of Martin Macwan, recipient of the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Human Rights Award, and an unidentified woman.

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