Leslie Armstrong Allison – Major, United States Army

This information has been provided by his loving relatives, Carrie Eldridge and Judy Clark Johnson. Thank you for providing this remembrance.

Leslie Armstrong Allison was born 13 June 1917 near Saltwell, Nicholas County, Kentucky. the son of Earl Armstong & Gerturde (Thomas) Allison. He married Mary Jane Sales 16 March 1942, and had one daughter, Susanne, born in 1943.

He graduated from Paris High School in 1935, and earned an AB degree at the University of Kentucky in 1939 and a Masters Degree at the Universtiy of Kentucky in History & Poltical Science 1942, Phi Beta Kappa (scholistic), Phi Alpha theta (History). He taught military history at the University of Kentucky from August 1940 until April 1942.

In April 1942 he reported for active duty at Camp Polk, Lousianna as a Lieutenant. He was promoted to Captain in April 1943. He went to California – as a major and battalion commander in desert training in August 1943. He then reported to Fort Benning,Georgia for Battalion Commander School in June 1944 and then overseas to England on August 17, 1944.

He led US troops (23 Armed Battilion) into Chartres – “Here’s to my Paris address – the one in Kentucky – may I soon be receiving my mail there.” He was involved in a five hour street fight where he received the SILVER STAR six days before his death from the Major General of 7th Armored Div. He also received the French -CROIX de GUERRE with Palm.

He died 16 September 1944 from wounds received on 10 September 1944. I have been told he was with Patton on the Arden when he received a chest wound and died of pneumonia. I have also been told his picture is over the door in place of honor at the Division Headquarters in Washington, D.C.


  • MAJOR, United States Army
  • DATE OF DEATH: 09/16/1944
  • DATE OF INTERMENT: 11/09/1948


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