Lloyd Mills – Lieutenant Colonel, United States Army

Submitted By R. S. Brinson, March 1998:

Lieutenant Colonel Lloyd Mills, United States Army, was buried in Arlington National Cemetery about 10 June 1995.

He was a leader, hero, mentor and a friend to me. He was the Battalion Commander of the 3rd Battalion 327th Infantry, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) from August 1993 until his death on 2 June 1995.

He was personally and professionally respected by all his soldiers, peers, and superiors.

He left behind a wife, two daughters, and one son.

He died from an errant round on a night platoon manuever live fire. I found it odd that he would be killed doing something that he believed in, was a innovator in, and the best at; training troops to fight in combat.

Many other commanders were more worried about softball games, staff duty, the wives club, playing golf, and making sure soldiers didn’t get him in trouble (lockdown on a 3 month deployment). Colonel Mills had none of these characteristics he was genuine, he genuinely led by example, genuinely cared about his unit and soldiers, and he genuinely loved his family, and everybody genuinely cried at his memorial service.

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