Martin Conboy – Second Lieutenant, United States Army

Message From Gerald Shewan, 24 March 2002:

On a recent trip to Arlington National Cemetery, I saw the grave of Second Lieutenant Martin Conboy, U.S. Volunteers (Section 54, Lot number 3841).  His grave is marked with a simple GI stone with gold lettering indicating that he was awarded the Medal of Honor and died on 21 December 1909. At the bottom of the stone are the words “Irish Rifles.”

Since Section 54 is one of the newer sections of the cemetery (the part of Section 54 currently being used is set back fron Eisenhower Drive, so that it is not very noticeable as you walk along this road), this grave is obviously a reinternment.  I did not see any information about this in area newspapers (I live in a Maryland suburb of Washington, D.C.).  I only know about it since I happened to come across it while looking for the grave of LCDR Richard Best, USN, CO of VB-6 at the Battle of Midway, who is buried in the same section.  (Since LCDR Best’s stone is now in  place, I took a picture of it for my records.)

NOTE: Lieutenant Conboy was disinterred from Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, East Orange, New Jersey, at the request of his family and was reinterred in Arlington National Cemetery on 31 July 2001.

Age at muster, 34 years. Enlisted, August 2, 1861, at New York City, to serve two years; mustered in as Private, Company K, August 3, 1861; transferred to Company B and promoted to Sergeant, December 9, 1861; appointed First Sergeant, no date; mustered in as Second Lieutenant, October 20, 1862; mustered out with Company, June 22, 1863, at New York City; awarded Medal of Honor; commissioned Second Lieutenant, December 24, 1862, with rank from October 20, 1862, vice J.O.C. Doyle, dismissed.


  • Rank and organization: Sergeant, Company B, 37th New York Infantry.
  • Place and date: At Williamsburg, Virginia, 5 May 1862.
  • Entered service at: New York, N.Y.
  • Date of issue: 11 October 1892.
  • Citation: Took command of the company in action, the Captain having been wounded, the other commissioned officers being absent, and handled it with skill and bravery.



  • 2LT   US ARMY
  • DATE OF DEATH: 12/21/1909

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