Max M. Tybroski – Sergeant, United States Army

The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Service Cross to Max M. Tybroski, Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy of the United Nations while serving with Company K, 3d Battalion, 23d Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division.

Sergeant First Class Tybroski distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action against enemy aggressor forces in the vicinity of Chaun-ni, Korea, on 18 May 1951. On that date, Sergeant First Class Tybroski’s company was subjected to a savage attack by a numerically superior enemy force while manning defensive positions near Chaun-ni.

With complete disregard for his personal safety, and heedless of the intense enemy fire, Sergeant Tybroski led his platoon to positions on high ground to the enemy’s flank from which flanking fire could be brought to bear on the hostile positions. The aggressive leadership and courageous actions of Sergeant Tybroski in executing this flanking movement resulted in 150 of the enemy being killed, and diverted the hostile fire to his platoon’s position, thereby enabling the remainder of his battalion to effect an orderly withdrawal with minimum casualties.

Headquarters, Eighth U.S. Army, Korea: General Orders No. 417 (June 9, 1951)

Sergeant Tybroski died on 22 October 1990 and was buried with full military honors in Arlington National Cemetery.

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