Michael Robert Baker – Chief Warrant Officer 3, United States Army

15 August 1995:

CW3 Michael R. Baker [P]
CW2 Donal J. Cunningham [P]
SGT Robert A. Rogers [CE]
SPC Dale L. Wood [C]
C/7/158 AVN

Malfunction led to the right engine to catch fire and send it hurtling into the Mediterranean Sea 3 miles off the fishing port of Zyyi at approximtely 2130 hours, after leaving the Akrotiri Air Force Base on Cyprus in flight of two.



August 19, 1995:

Nicosia, Cyprus – Investigators are checking reports that an engine explosion caused the crash of a U.S. Army helicopter earlier this week, an American diplomat said Friday.

Alejandro Wolff, the U.S. Embassy charge d’affaires, said investigators were looking into a report that the crash was preceded by an explosion.

Cyprus police patrol boats continued searching Friday for four U.S. airmen who have been missing since their Black Hawk helicopter crashed Tuesday about three miles south of the fishing port of Ziyi.

Wolff said a U.S. Navy salvage vessel was due off Ziyi to try to recover the helicopter, about 70 feet underwater.

August 21, 1995:

Nicosia, Cyprus – Divers on Sunday recovered the bodies of four American soldiers killed last week when their Black Hawk helicopter crashed in the Mediterranean.

Police said the bodies were taken to the morgue in the southern port of Limassol.

The helicopter crashed Tuesday about three miles off the southern coast of Cyprus. The Black Hawk was headed for Larnaca airport to pick up supplies for the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon.

The crewmen, based in Giebelstadt, Germany, were identified as Chief Warrant Officer Michael R. Baker, the 33-year-old pilot; Chief Warrant Officer Donal J. Cunningham, 32, co-pilot; Specialist Robert A. Rogers, 25, Crew Chief, and Specialist Dale Wood, 20, Crew Chief.

CWO3, United States Army

  • DATE OF BIRTH: 08/01/1962
  • DATE OF DEATH: 08/15/1995

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