The battle’s over,
The victory’s won.
A soldier makes his journey home.

He fought so hard,
He fought so long.
And now he sings a victor’s song.

It was not easy.
It was not slight.
But it was such a worthy fight.

The battle scars,
They tell the tale,
That war sometimes can be like Hell.

But he fought the fight,
Endured the pain,
For he knew just he would gain.

Medals, cheers,
Those things fade across the years.

But his gain would be
Much more than that–
A place where only few have sat.

An honored seat,
A place of call,
To sit before his General,

And hear the words
That come from Him,
“You fought the fight, now enter in!”

Donnie Peeler  c1992

I would like to offer you the use of a poem I wrote for the eulogy of one of my dear friends and fellow church members.  His name was Ken Haulk and had served in WWII, in Italy.  While there, he had most of his
right arm and hand blown off.  He died in 1992 from cancer.  I loved him and dedicated this poem to him.

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