Orlando Hopkins Ross – Captain, United States Army

Orlando Hopkins Ross of Ohio:

Appointed from Illinois, Second Lieutenant 20th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, 1 October 1862; Captain, Aide de Camp of Volunteers, 11 March 1863; Resigned 7 October 1864. Died 13 October 1892. Buried with ful military honors in Section 1 of Arlington National Cemetery.

His stone says, in part, “On the staff of General Ulysses S. Grant.”


WASHINGTON, October 13, 1892 – Captain Orlando H. Ross died here today.  He was a native of Bethel, Ohio, and served in the Union Army during the war.  He was a cousin of General Grant and a member of his staff.

As the close of the war, Captain Ross came to Washington and took a place in the Treasury Department.

He was a member of the Grand Army and the Loyal Legion, having occupied important positions in both organizations.

The funeral arrangements have not yet been made, but the burial will take place at Arlington.

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