Old Glory Bound

We fix our gaze upon you now~~proudly holding our heads up high.
For which Freedom stands and Old Glory waves many have had to die
The crimson tides of blood are shed as haunting reminders of our foes
White so pure as the innocent lives whose destiny is unknown
With passionate heart and noble grace our soldiers have taken a stand;

Defending our honor & spilling their blood as protectors of our land.
For Freedom is the cause, Old Glory, and for Liberty’s sake we fight
Our humbled hearts plead to Heaven above for deliverance of this plight
Pray our soldiers be glory bound and given strength to sustain
Lord, cleanse the ill soaked battlegrounds with the purity of your reign
Let Freedom be found and Peace resound from mountaintops on high
Angels of Mercy grace their hearts and remain steadfast by their sides
Heal their wounds, protect their souls, ease their sorrows and pain
Wrap them safely beneath your wings until bringing them home again

Copyright (c) 2004, Michelle D. Lewis

This poem is dedicated to the thousands of troops serving our country. God Bless You!

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