Paul Bernard Malone – Major General, United States Army

Paul Bernard Malone of New York

Appointed from New York, Cadet, US Military Academy, 17 June 1890 (17)
Second Lieuetnant, 13th US Infantry, 12 June 1894
First Lieutenant, 26 April 1898
Captain, 27th US Infantry, 2 November 1901

Paul Bernard Malone, a veteran of Cuba and the Philippine Insurrection, at this time was the Assistant Chief of Staff G-5 (Training) for General Headquarters (GHQ), American Expeditionary Forces (AEF).

He later was to command with distinction the 23rd Infantry of the 2nd Division and the 10th Infantry Brigade of the 5th Division.

After the war he commanded the 2nd Infantry Division and the Philippine Division.  He retired as a Major General commanding the Fourth Army.

The author of many books about West Point – the alma mater of his son and two grandsons – he was known throughout the Army for his eloquence.  He died in 1960 at age eighty-eight.

Contemporary press report:
Nov. 19, 1928

The 115,000 square miles of the Philippine Islands with a population of nearly 11,500,000 are governed by the U. S. through a triumvirate of officials. First in order is the Governor General, civil administrator; second is the military headquarters commander; third is the military field commander. To the last-named post President Coolidge last week appointed Major General Paul Bernard Malone.

Major General Malone is 56, short, jocular, optimistic, and likely to be as much of a favorite with the 10,000 Philippine soldiers as he was with the discriminating fighting men of the St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne & Chateau Thierry offensives. Because he pursued famed Rebel Aguinaldo (1899-1901), he knows well the swamps and morasses of the Philippines. But, above all, he is the ardently romantic alumnus of the sheer grey towers of West Point. He has written five novels of life at the Military Academy.

At Manila, General Malone will find the Governor General in the person of Henry Lewis Stimson, who was Secretary of War under President Taft,* and will salute the Headquarters Commander in the person of Major General Douglas MacArthur, twice wounded, twelve times decorated veteran of Vera Cruz and France.


  • M/GEN U S A
  • DATE OF BIRTH: 05/08/1872
  • DATE OF DEATH: 10/16/1960

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