Louis H. Pelouze – Brigadier General, United States Army

Born in Pennsylvania in 1831, he graduated from West Point in 1853, 17th in a class of 52. He was commissioned in the Artillery and fought in the Seminole Indian Wars in Florida, and then on the frontier in the Kansas border disturbances before being named as Captain of the 15th United States Infantry, May 14, 1861.

As Acting Assistant Adjutant General, he served under General Dix on the Port Royal Expedition, in Shield’s Division, and the same capacity in II Corps (Army of Virginia). During the last named service, he was severely wounded at Cedar Mountain on August 9, 1862, and was on sick leave until October.

In February 1863, he was named Assistant Adjutant General of the Department of Virginia and in July 1863 took the same post with the Department of Virginia and North Carolina before going in August 1863 to the Adjutant General’s Department.

He remained in Washington, D.C. for the rest of the war and died on active duty as a Regular Army Major on March 24, 1864, having been brevetted for Cedar Mountain and for war service as a Brigadier General, U.S. Army. he is buried in Section 2 of Arlington National Cemetery.

Louis Henry Pelouze, soldier, born in Pennsylvania, 30 May, 1841; died in Washington, D. C., 1 June, 1878. He was graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1853, assigned to the artillery, and promoted to Second Lieutenant on 11 November In 1857-‘8 he was on duty in Kansas during the anti-slavery dissturbances, and accompanied the second column of the Utah expedition as acting assistant adjutant-general, he was commissioned as captain on 14 May, 1861, and served during the Civil War, first on the staff of General John A. Dix, then in the Port Royal expedition, in Georgia when Fort Pulaski was captured, with General James Shields at Port, Republic, and as major on the staff with II corps of the Army of Virginia in the Shenandoah campaign until he was severely wounded at Cedar Mountain, 9 August, 1862.

After his recovery he served till the close of hostilities as assistant adjutant-general of volunteers with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, being on special duty in the defences of Washington in the autumn of 1862, then with the troops of the Department of Virginia till August, 1863, and in the adjutant-general’s department at Washington till May, 1864, and afterward in charge of the records of colored troops in the war department till 14 June, 1868. For his gallantry at Cedar Mountain he was brevetted  Lieutenant Colonel, and on 13 March, 1865, he received the brevets of Colonel and Brigadier General for valuable services in the field and in the adjutant-general’s department. He was adjutant-general of the Department of the Lakes in 1869-’73, and afterward till his death as assistant in the office of the adjutant-general of the army.


  • DATE OF DEATH: 06/02/1878

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