Roy Lee Griffin, Jr. – Captain, United States Marine Corps

Roy Lee Griffin, Jr. was born on June 20, 1939 and joined the Armed Forces while in Greensboro, North Carolina.

He served in the United States Marine Corps and  in ten years of service, he attained the rank of Captain. He began a tour of duty in Vietnam on June 21, 1967.

On March 30, 1968, at the age of 28, Roy Lee Griffin, Jr. perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Quang Tri Provence.

Captain Griffin was killed with Peter J. Gallo, First Lieutenant, United States Army, and Dennis Poteat, Sergeant, United States Army, and they are buried together in Arlington National Cemetery.

March 30 1968

First phase of “TASK FORCE KILO” begins. Gio Linh, Quang Tri Province, I Corps.

Task Force KILO launches diversionary attack along Gio Linh coastal plain to divert attention away from Ca Lu where 1st Cavalry Division and 1st Marines are staging for Operation PEGASUS. Task Force Kilo, made up of the 2nd Battalion, 1st ARVN Regiment pushes north from Kong Ha on a search and destroy sweep through the Gio Lenh Coastal Plain between the Cua Viet River and the DMZ. Task Force Kilo confirms 150 NVA KIAs the first day of the operation.

30 March – C Troop, 3rd/5th Cavalry finds entrenched NVA. 10 US KIA. KIAs include: Patrick Kevin Burke, 1st Lt. Peter Joseph Gallo, Capt. Roy Lee Griffin, Jr. (USMC), George Edward Grubbs, Bert Austin Keeler, James Earl Morse, Dennis Michael Poteat, Charles E. Shaw, Stephen Max Wiggins, and Wilbur Leo Williams, Jr.



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