Robert Wilson Shufeldt – Rear Admiral, United States Navy

Dear Mr. Patterson:

I believe you have made a mistake on your bio on my Great-Great Grandfather Rear Admiral Robert Wilson Shufeldt.

One of his greatest achievements was the negotiation of the Treaty of Amnity with then the Republic of Korea. I have been invited twice by the government of South Korea twice since, in honor of this acheivement.

It is my sincerest hope that you take no offense to this correction, as you seem like a great fan of history–particulary American history, for which I have in common. I may be reached at this e-mail address if you have any questions or just discussion in general.

With Best Regards, Robert Wilson Shufeldt V, August 2006


Robert Wilson Shufelt, Naval officer, born in Red Hook, Dutchess County, New York, 21 February, 1822. He entered the Navy as a Midshipman, 11 May, 1839, was attached to the naval school at Philadelphia in 1844-45, and became a Passed Midshipman, 2 July, 1845. He was promoted to Master, 21 February, 1853, and to Lieutenant, 26 October, 1853, but resigned from the Navy, 20 June, 1854, and was connected with the Collins line of Liverpool steamers as Chief Officer for two years.

He then commanded the steamers “Black Warrior” and “Catawba” on the line between New York and New Orleans, and had charge of the party that surveyed the Isthmus of Tehuantepec for a railroad and interoceanic canal. When the Civil War began he was in command of the steamer “Quaker City,” of the New York and Havana line of steamers, and was appointed United States Consul General at Havana.

In April, 1863, he resigned, and was reinstated in the Navy with a commission of Commander, dated 19 November, 1862. He was given the steamer ” Conemaugh,” on the blockade at Charleston, where he participated in the engagements on Morris island. He commanded the steamer “Proteus” of the Eastern Gulf blockading squadron, in 1864-66.

After the war he had the “Hartford” of the East India squadron, in 1865-‘6, and the “Wachusett,” of the Asiatic Squadron, in 1866-68. He was commissioned Captain, 31 December, 1869, and commanded the monitor “Miantonomoh” in 1870, after which he had charge of the Tehuantepec and Nicaraguan surveying expeditions of 1870-71.

He was chief of the bureau of equipment and recruiting in the navy department in 1875-‘8, and was commissioned Commodore, 21 September, 1876. In 1879-80 he sailed in the “Ti-Conderoga” oil a special mission to Africa and tile East Indies, to ascertain and report on the prospects for the revival of American trade with those countries. While he was on this expedition the sultan of Zanzibar, Said Barghash, presented him with a sword.

He was promoted to Rear Admiral on 7 May, 1883, and was retired, 21 February, 1884.

NOTE: His son, Robert Wilson Shufeldt, Major, United States Army, is also buried in Arlington National Cemetery.


  • DATE OF DEATH: 11/07/1895


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