Tomb Award 2004


This photo of a worker in the Yule Marble Quarry won Post Independent photographer Jim Noelker first place for a feature photo at the 126th annual Colorado Press Association awards Saturday.
Post Independent File Photo/Jim Noelker

Post Independent photographer Jim Noelker won first place for a feature photo from the Yule Marble Quarry, and the paper’s graphics staff won first place for advertising layout and design in the 126th annual Colorado Press Association awards Saturday.

Noelker’s photo depicted a solitary quarry worker dwarfed by massive blocks of marble taken during the quarry staff’s search for a perfect block for the Tomb of the Unknowns at the Arlington National Cemetery.
The graphics staff won for overall excellence in design and placement of advertisements in the April 18, 2003, and June 20, 2003, editions. Members of the graphics staff are ad designers Linda Fleming, Melanie Handl and Patricia Bentley and ad placement designer Dottee Duran.

The Post Independent, with a circulation of 10,500 papers a day, won the awards in the state press association’s Class V category, which includes daily newspapers in the 10,000 to 100,000 circulation range.
Former Aspen Times publisher Andy Stone announced the awards at the close of the Colorado Press Association convention, held at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver.

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