Thomas Wade Herren – Lieutenant General, United States Army

Herren Thomas Wade, Lieutenant General, 1895-1985

  • 1936 – 1942 Instructor Cavalry School
  • 1942 – 1943 Commanding Officer 106th Cavalry regiment
  • 1943 – 1944 Commandant of Cavalry School
  • 1944 – 1945 Assistant Commanding General 70th Division
  • 1945 – 1946 Deputy Chief of Staff 4th Army
  • 1950 – 1952 Commanding General Military District of Washington
  • 1954 – 1957 Commanding General 1st Army
  • 1957 Retired


Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran attending ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery.
Standing at attention in ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetary, near Washington D.C. in the foreground,
left to right, Dr. M. Baghai, member of the Iranian Parliament; Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran,
General Thomas W. Herren. From photograph album “Visit of his Excellency Mohammad Mossadegh, Prime Minister
of Iran, to the United States of America, October 6 to November 18, 1951.”


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