William Leidy Alexander – Brigadier General, United States Army

William Leidy Alexander of Iowa

Appointed from Iowa, First Lieutenant, 30th Iowa Volunter Infantry, 23 September 1862
Captain, 1 October 1863
Honorably Mustered Out, 27 July 1865
Captain, CS, 4 October 1889
Major, CS, 10 June 1896
Lieutenant Colonel, SC, Assigned 22 July to 7 october 1898 and with the rank of Colonel, 7 October 1898 to 2 March 1899
Lieutenant Colonel, Deputy Commissary General, 13 December 1900

General Alexander died in 1915 and was buried in Section 1 of Arlington National Cemetery.  His wife, Elsie B. Alexander, who died on 13 September 1932, is buried with him.

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