William Rees Rush – Captain, United States Navy

Born at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sepember 19, 1857, and was a graduate of the United States Naval Academy in the Class of 1877. He earned the Medal of Honor for service at Vera Cruz, Mexico, April 22, 1914. He was also a recipient of the Navy Cross during his Naval career.


He died at Pallanza, Italy, August 2, 1940 and was subsequently buried in Section 3 of Arlington National Cemetery. His wife, Jane Pomoroy Hare Rush, who was born at San Francisco, California, on October 30, 1870, and who died at Ausanne, Switzerland, on August 27, 1947, is buried with him.


Rank and organization: Captain, U.S. Navy. Born: 19 September 1857, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Accredited to: Pennsylvania. G.O. No.: 177, 4 December 1915. Other Navy award: Distinguished Service Medal.


For distinguished conduct in battle, engagements of Vera Cruz, 21 and 22 April 1914. In command of the naval brigade, Capt. Rush was in both days’ fighting and almost continually under fire from soon after landing, about noon on the 21st, until we were in possession of the city, about noon of the 22d. His duties required him to be at points of great danger in directing his officers and men, and he exhibited conspicuous courage, coolness and skill in his conduct of the fighting. Upon his courage and skill depended in great measure success or failure. His responsibilities were great, and he met them in a manner worthy of commendation.

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